Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 18, 2011


Filed under: Clojure,Graphs — Patrick Durusau @ 5:44 pm



Jiraph is an embedded graph database for Clojure. It is extremely fast and can walk 100,000 edges in about 3 seconds on my laptop. It uses Tokyo Cabinet for backend storage.

Multi-layer Graph

For performance and scalability, graphs in Jiraph are multi-layer graphs. Nodes exist on every layer. In this way, node data can be partitioned across all layers (similar to column families in some nosql databases). For our purposes, we’ll call the node data on a particular layer a node slice. Edges, on the other hand, can only exist on a single layer. All edges on a specific layer generally correspond in some way. The layer name can be thought of as the edge type, or alternatively, multiple similar edge types can exist on one layer.

Though layers can be used to organize your data, the primary motivation for layers is performance. All data for each layer is stored in a separate data store, which partitions the graph and speeds up walks by allowing them to load only the subset of the graph data they need. This means you should strive to put all graph data needed for a particular walk in one layer. This isn’t always possible, but it will improve speed because only one disk read will be required per walk step.

A Jiraph graph is just a clojure map of layer names (keywords) to datatypes that implement the jiraph.layer/Layer protocol.

Nodes and Edges

Every node slice is just a clojure map of attributes. It is conventional to use keywords for the keys, but the values can be arbitrary clojure data structures. Each edge is also a map of attributes. Internally, outgoing edges are stored as a map from node-ids to attributes in the :edges attribute on the corresponding node slice. This way, a node and all its outgoing edges can be loaded with one disk read.
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I like the rewind feature, that could be very helpful.

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