Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 3, 2011

IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

Filed under: Avro,BigInsights,Hadoop,HBase,Lucene,Pig,Zookeeper — Patrick Durusau @ 2:32 pm

IBM InfoSphere BigInsights

Two items stand out in the usual laundry list of “easy administration” and “IBM supports open source” list of claims:

The Jaql query language. Jaql, a Query Language for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), provides the capability to process both structured and non-traditional data. Its SQL-like interface is well suited for quick ramp-up by developers familiar with the SQL language and makes it easier to integrate with relational databases.


Integrated installation. BigInsights includes IBM value-added technologies, as well as open source components, such as Hadoop, Lucene, Hive, Pig, Zookeeper, Hbase, and Avro, to name a few.

I guess it must include a “few” things since the 64-bit Linux download is 398 MBs.

Just pointing out its availability. More commentary to follow.

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