Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 7, 2011


Filed under: Linked Data,Semantic Diversity — Patrick Durusau @ 6:17 pm


From the about documenation:

The Doppelganger service translates between IDs of entities in third party APIs. When you query Doppelganger with an entity ID, you’ll get back IDs of that same entity in other APIs. In addition, a persistent Uberblic ID serves as an anchor for your application that you can use for subsequent queries.

So why link APIs? is answered in a blog entry:

There is an ever-increasing amount of data available on the Web via APIs, waiting to be integrated by product developers. But actually integrating more than just one API into a product poses a problem to developers and their product managers: how do we make the data sources interoperable, both with one another and with our existing databases? Uberblic launches a service today to make that easy.

A location based product, for example, would aim to pull in information like checkins from Foursquare, reviews from Lonely Planet, concerts from LastFM and social connections from Facebook, and display all that along one place’s description. To do that, one would need to identify this particular place in all the APIs – identify the place’s ‘doppelgangers’, if you will. Uberblic does exactly that, mapping doppelgangers across APIs, as a web service. It’s like a dictionary for IDs, the Rosetta Stone of APIs. And geolocation is just the beginning.

Uberblic’s doppelganger engine links data across a variety of data APIs. By matching equivalent records, the engine connects an entity graph that spans APIs and data services. This entity graph provides rich contextual data for product developers, and Uberblic’s APIs serve as a switchboard and broker between data sources.

See the full post at:

Useful. But as you have already noticed, no associations, no types, no way to map to other identifiers.

Not that a topic map could not use Uberlic data if available, just not is all that is possible.

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