Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 1, 2014

DBpedia – Wikipedia Data Extraction

Filed under: DBpedia,RDF — Patrick Durusau @ 4:26 pm

DBpedia – Wikipedia Data Extraction by Gaurav Vaidya.

From the post:

We are happy to announce an experimental RDF dump of the Wikimedia Commons. A complete first draft is now available online at, and will be eventually accesible from A small sample dataset, which may be easier to browse, is available on Github at

Just in case you are looking for some RDF data to experiment with this weekend!

A Very Gentle Introduction to Relational Programming

Filed under: Clojure,Functional Programming,Logic,Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 3:51 pm

A Very Gentle Introduction to Relational Programming & Functional Programming by David Nolen.

From the webpage:

This tutorial will guide you through the magic and fun of combining relational programming (also known as logic programming) with functional programming. This tutorial does not assume that you have any knowledge of Lisp, Clojure, Java, or even functional programming. The only thing this tutorial assumes is that you are not afraid of using the command line and you have used at least one programming language before in your life.

A fairly short tutorial but one where “relational” in the title is likely to result in confusion. Here “relational” is meant in the sense of “logical.”

Another one of those ambiguity problems.

USB Security Fundamentally Broken

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 3:28 pm

Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken by Andy Greenberg.

From the post:

Computer users pass around USB sticks like silicon business cards. Although we know they often carry malware infections, we depend on antivirus scans and the occasional reformatting to keep our thumbdrives from becoming the carrier for the next digital epidemic. But the security problems with USB devices run deeper than you think: Their risk isn’t just in what they carry, it’s built into the core of how they work.

That’s the takeaway from findings security researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell plan to present next week, demonstrating a collection of proof-of-concept malicious software that highlights how the security of USB devices has long been fundamentally broken. The malware they created, called BadUSB, can be installed on a USB device to completely take over a PC, invisibly alter files installed from the memory stick, or even redirect the user’s internet traffic. Because BadUSB resides not in the flash memory storage of USB devices, but in the firmware that controls their basic functions, the attack code can remain hidden long after the contents of the device’s memory would appear to the average user to be deleted. And the two researchers say there’s no easy fix: The kind of compromise they’re demonstrating is nearly impossible to counter without banning the sharing of USB devices or filling your port with superglue.

“These problems can’t be patched,” says Nohl, who will join Lell in presenting the research at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. “We’re exploiting the very way that USB is designed.”

You can get the gist of this new security issue from Andy’s post or pay late registration fees for Black Hat 2014 next week.

I was surprised when I learned a sneaker net using a USB device was part of the reason for the Snowden leaks. I was assuming that NSA computers had no USB ports and/or would have them glued up. Apparently not.

Are you going to send the NSA a note about this latest USB issue or should I?

PS: Aside from possible new USB designs, the upside of this issue may be a discussion of how much security do you want at what price? No system is “secure,” but rather “relatively secure under the following assumptions…”


Proof of concept:

Slides Leaves enough unspecified to make this a great semester project.

Video of BlackHat presentation.

Letter to a Young Haskell Enthusiast [No Haskell Required for Reading]

Filed under: Communities of Practice — Patrick Durusau @ 3:03 pm

Letter to a Young Haskell Enthusiast by Gershom Bazerman.

From an introduction before the letter:

The following letter is not about what “old hands” know and newcomers do not. Instead, it is about lessons that we all need to learn more than once, and remind ourselves of. It is about tendencies that are common, and understandable, and come with the flush of excitement of learning any new thing that we understand is important, and about the difficulty, always, in trying to decide how best to convey that excitement and sense of importance to others, in a way that they will listen. It is written more specifically, but only because I have found that if we don’t talk specifics as well as generalities, the generalities make no sense. This holds for algebraic structures, and it holds for other, vaguer concepts no less. It is a letter full of things I want to remember, as well as of advice I want to share. I expect I will want to remind myself of it when I encounter somebody who is wrong on the internet, which, I understand, may occur on rare occasion. (emphasis in original)

Extremely good advice on being a contributing member of a community, on or offline.

Share it and calendar it for regular re-reading.

Interactive Map: First World War: A Global View

Filed under: History,Mapping,Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 2:47 pm

Interactive Map: First World War: A Global View by UkNatArchives.

From the pop-up when you visit the map:

A global view

Explore the global impact of the First World War through our interactive map, which highlights key events and figures in countries from Aden to Zanzibar. Drawn directly from our records at The National Archives, the map aims to go beyond the trenches of the Western Front and shows how the war affected different parts of the world.

The First World War: A global view is part of our First World War 100 programme. It currently focuses on the contributions of the countries and territories that made up the British Empire during wartime. We will continue to develop the map over the next four years, to show more countries and territories across Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Asia.

About this map

To get started, select a country or territory by clicking on a marker Map maker icon on the map, or select a name from the list on the left. Navigate through the tabs to read about battles, life on the Home Front and much more. Each country or territory is illustrated with images, maps and other documents from our collections. Click on the references to find key documents in Discovery, our catalogue, or images in our image library.

To reflect changing borders and names since 1914, we have provided two map views. Switch between the global map as it was during wartime, and as it is today, by using the buttons at the top of the map.

My assumptions about certain phrases do jump up to bite me every now and again. This was one of those cases.

I think I know what is meant by “First World War,” and “A Global View.” And even the language about “changing borders and names since 1914,” makes sense given the rise of so many new nations in the last century.

Hence, my puzzlement when I looked at the Country/Territory list only to see:

Aden Jamaica
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Leeward Islands
Ascension Island Malaya
Australia Maldives
Barbados Malta
Bermuda Mauritius
Britian New Zealand
British East Africa Newfoundland
British Gold Coast Nigeria
British Honduras Northern Rhodesia
British New Guinea and German New Guinea Nyasaland
British North Borneo and Sarawak Pacific Islands
Burma Seychelles
Canada Sierra Leone
Ceylon Straits Settlements
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Southern Rhodesia
Cyprus St Helena
Egypt The Gambia
Falkland Islands Trinidad and Tobago
Gibraltar Uganda
Hong Kong and Wei-Hai-Wei Windward Islands
India Zanzibar

In my history lessons, I had learned there were many other countries that were involved in World War I, especially from a “global” view. 😉

My purpose is not to disagree with the definition of World War I or “global perspective” used by the UK National Archive. It is their map and they are free to use whatever definitions seem appropriate to their purpose.

My point is that even common phrases, such as World War I and “global perspective” can be understood in radically different ways by different readers of the same text.

For an American class, I would re-title this resources as England and its territories during World War I. To which a UK teacher could rightly reply, “That’s what we said.”

More examples of unexpected semantic dissonance welcome!

PS: You should be following The National Archives (UK). Truly a remarkable effort.

Elasticsearch 1.3.1 released

Filed under: ElasticSearch,Lucene — Patrick Durusau @ 1:50 pm

Elasticsearch 1.3.1 released by Clinton Gormley.

From the post:

Today, we are happy to announce the bugfix release of Elasticsearch 1.3.1, based on Lucene 4.9. You can download it and read the full changes list here: Elasticsearch 1.3.1.


GraphLab Conference 2014 (Videos!)

Filed under: GraphLab,Graphs,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 1:45 pm

GraphLab Conference 2014 (Videos!)

Videos from the GraphLab Conference 2014 have been posted! Who needs to wait for a new season of Endeavor? 😉

(I included the duration times so you can squeeze these in between conference calls.)

Presentations, ordered by author’s last name.

Training Sessions on GraphLab Create

I first saw this in a tweet by xamat.

COSMOS: Python library for massively parallel workflows

Filed under: Bioinformatics,Parallel Programming,Python,Workflow — Patrick Durusau @ 10:11 am

COSMOS: Python library for massively parallel workflows by Erik Gafni, et al. (Bioinformatics (2014) doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu385 )


Summary: Efficient workflows to shepherd clinically generated genomic data through the multiple stages of a next-generation sequencing pipeline are of critical importance in translational biomedical science. Here we present COSMOS, a Python library for workflow management that allows formal description of pipelines and partitioning of jobs. In addition, it includes a user interface for tracking the progress of jobs, abstraction of the queuing system and fine-grained control over the workflow. Workflows can be created on traditional computing clusters as well as cloud-based services.

Availability and implementation: Source code is available for academic non-commercial research purposes. Links to code and documentation are provided at and

Contact: or

Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

A very good abstract but for pitching purposes, I would have chosen the first paragraph of the introduction:

The growing deluge of data from next-generation sequencers leads to analyses lasting hundreds or thousands of compute hours per specimen, requiring massive computing clusters or cloud infrastructure. Existing computational tools like Pegasus (Deelman et al., 2005) and more recent efforts like Galaxy (Goecks et al., 2010) and Bpipe (Sadedin et al., 2012) allow the creation and execution of complex workflows. However, few projects have succeeded in describing complicated workflows in a simple, but powerful, language that generalizes to thousands of input files; fewer still are able to deploy workflows onto distributed resource management systems (DRMs) such as Platform Load Sharing Facility (LSF) or Sun Grid Engine that stitch together clusters of thousands of compute cores. Here we describe COSMOS, a Python library developed to address these and other needs.

That paragraph highlights the bioinformatics aspects of COSMOS but also hints at a language that might be adapted to other “massively parallel workflows.” Workflows may differ details but the need to efficiently and effectively define them is a common problem.

Toposes, Triples and Theories

Filed under: Category Theory — Patrick Durusau @ 9:47 am

Toposes, Triples and Theories by Michael Barr and Charles Wells.

From the preface:

Chapter 1 is an introduction to category theory which develops the basic constructions in categories needed for the rest of the book. All the category theory the reader needs to understand the book is in it, but the reader should be warned that if he has had no prior exposure to categorical reasoning the book might be tough going. More discursive treatments of category theory in general may be found in Borceux [1994], Mac Lane [1998], and Barr and Wells [1999]; the last-mentioned could be suitably called a prequel to this book.

So you won’t have to dig the references out of the bibliography:

M. Barr and C. Wells, Category Theory for Computing Science, 3rd Edition. Les Publications CRM (1999).
Online at:

F. Borceux, Handbook of Categorical Algebra I, II and III. Cambridge University Press (1994).
Cambridge Online Books has these volumes but that requires an institutional subscription.

S. Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Online at:


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