Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 26, 2012


Filed under: Graphs,Gremlin,Networks,TinkerPop,Titan — Patrick Durusau @ 3:34 pm

Titan-Android by David Wu.

From the webpage:

Titan-Android is a port/fork of Titan for the Android platform. It is meant to be a light-weight implementation of a graph database on mobile devices. The port removes HBase and Cassandra support as their usage make little sense on a mobile device (convince me otherwise!). Gremlin is only supported via the Java interface as I have not been able to port groovy successfully. Nevertheless, Titan-Android supports local storage backend via BerkeleyDB and supports the Tinkerpop stack natively.

Just in case there was an Android under the tree!

I first saw this in a tweet by Marko A. Rodriguez.

May 24, 2012

TinkerPop2 Release

Filed under: Blueprints,Frames,Gremlin,Pipes,Rexster,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 5:56 pm

A message from Marko Rodriguez announced the release of TinkerPop2 with notes on the major features of each:

– Massive changes to blueprints-core API
– TreePipe added for exposing the spanning tree of a traversal
– Automatic path and query optimizations (download)
– FramedGraph is simply a wrapper graph in the Blueprints sense
– Synchronicity with the Blueprints API (download)

BTW, Marko says:

As you may know, there are big changes to the API: package renaming, new core API method names, etc. While this may be shocking, it is all worth it. In 2 weeks, there is going to be a release of something very big for which TinkerPop2 will be a central piece of the puzzle. Stay tuned and get ready for a summer of insane, crazy graph madness.

So, something to look forward to!

May 14, 2012

Mining GitHub – Followers in Tinkerpop

Filed under: Github,GraphML,Neo4j,R,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 6:13 pm

Mining GitHub – Followers in Tinkerpop

Patrick Wagstrom writes:

Development of any moderately complex software package is a social process. Even if a project is developed entirely by a single person, there is still a social component that consists of all of the people who use the software, file bugs, and provide recommendations for enhancements. This social aspect is one of the driving forces behind the proliferation of social software development sites such as GitHub, SourceForge, Google Code, and BitBucket.

These sites combine together a variety of tools that are common for software development such as version control, bug trackers, mailing lists, release management, project planning, and wikis. In addition, some of these have more social aspects that allow you find and follow individual developers or watch particular projects. In this post I’m going to show you how we can use some this information to gain insight into a software development community, specifically the community around the Tinkerpop stack of tools for graph databases.

GitHub as a social community. Who knew? 😉

Very instructive walk through Gremlin, GraphML, and R with a prepared data set. It doesn’t get much better than this!

December 14, 2011

A TinkerPop Story

Filed under: Blueprints,Frames,Furnace,Gremlin,Pipes,Rexster,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 7:45 pm

A TinkerPop Story

From the post:

In a time long, long right now and a place far, far within, there exists a little green gremlin named…well, Gremlin. Gremlin lives in a place known as TinkerPop. For those who think of a “place” as some terrestrial surface coating a sphere that is circling one of the many massive fiery nuclear reactors in the known universe, TinkerPop is that, yet at the same time, a wholly different type of place indeed.

In a day of obscure (are there any other kind?) errors and annoyances, this is an absolute delight!

Highly recommended!

November 21, 2011

Visualizing RDF Schema inferencing through Neo4J, Tinkerpop, Sail and Gephi

Filed under: Gephi,Neo4j,Sail,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 7:28 pm

Visualizing RDF Schema inferencing through Neo4J, Tinkerpop, Sail and Gephi by Dave Suvee.

From the post:

Last week, the Neo4J plugin for Gephi was released. Gephi is an open-source visualization and manipulation tool that allows users to interactively browse and explore graphs. The graphs themselves can be loaded through a variety of file formats. Thanks to Martin Škurla, it is now possible to load and lazily explore graphs that are stored in a Neo4J data store.

In one of my previous articles, I explained how Neo4J and the Tinkerpop framework can be used to load and query RDF triples. The newly released Neo4J plugin now allows to visually browse these RDF triples and perform some more fancy operations such as finding patterns and executing social network analysis algorithms from within Gephi itself. Tinkerpop’s Sail Ouplementation also supports the notion of RDF Schema inferencing. Inferencing is the process where new (RDF) data is automatically deducted from existing (RDF) data through reasoning. Unfortunately, the Sail reasoner cannot easily be integrated within Gephi, as the Gephi plugin grabs a lock on the Neo4J store and no RDF data can be added, except through the plugin itself.

Being able to visualize the RDF Schema reasoning process and graphically indicate which RDF triples were added manually and which RDF data was automatically inferred would be a nice to have. To implement this feature, we should be able to push graph changes from Tinkerpop and Neo4J to Gephi. Luckily, the Gephi graph streaming plugin allows us to do just that. In the rest of this article, I will detail how to setup the required Gephi environment and how we can stream (inferred) RDF data from Neo4J to Gephi.

Visual is good!

Visual display and exploration of graphs is better!

Visual display and exploration of Neo4j data stores from within Gephi is the best!

Dave concludes:

With just a few lines of code we are able to stream (inferred) RDF triples to Gephi and make use of its powerful visualization and analysis tools to explore and inspect our datasets. As always, the complete source code can be found on the Datablend public GitHub repository. Make sure to surf the internet to find some other nice Gephi streaming examples, the coolest one probably being the visualization of the Egyptian revolution on Twitter.

Other suggestions for Gephi streaming examples?

November 14, 2011

Tinkerpop (New Homepage, Logos)

Filed under: TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 7:15 pm

Tinkerpop (New Homepage, Logos)

Peter Neubauer tweeted about the new Tinkerpop homepage.

I don’t “do” graphics but can appreciate a clean, open design.

Take a look. While you are there, consider “selecting” one or more of the icons to see where it goes. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

October 8, 2011

An Introduction to Tinkerpop

Filed under: Blueprints,Gremlin,Pipes,Rexster,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 8:13 pm

An Introduction to Tinkerpop by Takahiro Inoue.

Excellent introduction to the Tinkerpop stack.

September 25, 2011

Furnace — A Property Graph Algorithms Package

Filed under: Algorithms,Blueprints,Frames,Furnace,Graphs,Gremlin,Neo4j,Pipes,Rexster,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 7:48 pm

Furnace — A Property Graph Algorithms Package

Marko Rodriguez posted the following note to the Grelim-users mailing list today:


For many months, the TinkerPop community has been trying to realize the best way to go about providing a graph analysis package to the TinkerPop stack ( ). With the increased flexibility and power of Pipes and the partitioning of Gremlin into multiple JVM languages, we feel that the stack is organized correctly now to support Furnace — A Property Graph Algorithms Package.
( if the domain hasn’t propagated to your DNS yet )

The project is currently just stubbed, but overtime you can expect the ability to evaluate standard (and non-standard) graph analysis algorithms over Blueprints-enabled graphs in a way that respects explicit and implicit associations in the graph. In short, it will implement the ideas articulated in:

This will be possible due to Pipes and the ability to represent abstract relationships using Pipes, Gremlin_groovy (and the upcoming Gremlin_scala). Moreover, while more thought is needed, there will be a way to talk at the Frames-levels ( and thus, calculate graph algorithms according to one’s domain model. Ultimately, in time, as Furnace develops, we will see a Rexster-Kibble that supports the evaluation of algorithms via Rexster.

While the project is still developing, please feel free to contribute ideas and/or participate in the development process. To conclude, we hope people are excited about the promises that Furnace will bring by raising the processing abstraction level above the imperative representations of Pipes/Gremlin.

Thank you,

You have been waiting for the opportunity to contribute to the Tinkerpop stack, particularly on graph analysis, so here is your chance! Seriously, you need to forward this to every graph person, graph project and graduate student taking graph theory.

We can use simple graphs and hope (pray?) the world is a simple place. Or use more complex graphs to model the world. Do you feel lucky? Do you?

August 1, 2011

TinkerPop – New Releases

Filed under: Blueprints,Frames,Graphs,Gremlin,Pipes,Rexster,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 3:51 pm

Good news from Marko Rodriguez:

TinkerPop just released a new round of stable releases.

Blueprints 0.9 (Mavin) –

Pipes 0.7 (PVC) –

Frames 0.4 (Studs) –

Gremlin 1.2 (New Sheriff in Town) –

Rexster 0.5 (Dog Star) –

Here is the main points with each release:

  • Blueprints:
    • Vertex API changed so now you have Vertex.getInEdges(String… labels) and Vertex.getOutEdges(String… labels)
    • Heavy development on GraphSail which turns any IndexableGraph into Sail RDF store
  • Pipes:
    • Introduced PipeClosure pattern which allows for closure-based pipes in native Java
    • Migrated all “Gremlin-specific pipes” (closure-based) to Pipes
    • Opening up the stage for data flow traversal languages for any JVM language
  • Frames:
    • Added helper interfaces VertexFrame and EdgeFrame
  • Gremlin:
    • Support the easy definition of new steps with
    • Mass migration of all “Gremlin-specific pipes” to Pipes
    • Support for processing closures in aggregate, groupCount, and paths
  • Rexster:
    • Added RexPro (the future foundation for the Rexster’s multi-protocol infrastructure).
    • Added (RexsterConsole) to allow remote “mysql>”-style interactions via any JSR 223-based JVM language
    • JSON serialization inherited from Blueprints (consistent throughout TinkerPop stack)

July 17, 2011

RDF data in Neo4J: the Tinkerpop story

Filed under: RDF,Sail,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 7:25 pm

RDF data in Neo4J: the Tinkerpop story

From the post:

As mentioned in my previous blog post, I recently got asked to implement a storage and querying platform for biological RDF (Resource Description Framework) data. Traditional RDF stores are not really an option as my solution should also provide the ability to calculate shortest paths between random subjects. Calculating shortest path is however one of the strong selling points of Graph Databases and more specifically Neo4J. Unfortunately, the neo-rdf-sail component, which suits my requirements perfectly, is no longer under active development. Tinkerpop’s Sail implementation however, fills the void with an even better alternative!

Interesting if you are an RDF or biologicals fan, or even if you are not!

April 20, 2011

Local and Distributed Traversal Engines

Filed under: Graphs,Gremlin,Neo4j,NoSQL,TinkerPop — Patrick Durusau @ 2:19 pm

Local and Distributed Traversal Engines

Marko Rodriguez on graph traversal engines:

In the graph database space, there are two types of traversal engines: local and distributed. Local traversal engines are typically for single-machine graph databases and are used for real-time production applications. Distributed traversal engines are typically for multi-machine graph databases and are used for batch processing applications. This divide is quite sharp in the community, but there is nothing that prevents the unification of both models. A discussion of this divide and its unification is presented in this post.

If you are interested in graphs and topic maps, definitely an effort to watch.

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