Watching the Watchers, .02 is now available.
In .02:
- Created subject identifiers for positions and added topics for the positions to the map.
- Reformed the subject identifiers on persons so I could use the prefix mechanism (deleted the final “/”).
- Created a prefix for the person subject identifiers (details below)
For Janet Napolitano I had:
- "Janet Napolitano".
I want to re-use the string “”.
Solution: Use the “%prefix” directive as follows:
%prefix headcnt
Now I can say:
- "janet-napolitano".
I will leave it to the reader to create a prefix for the DHS position subject identifiers. (I will add it myself in the next release.)
Next version, I will add the “isa person” that Lars Marius asked about on all the person topics. And create item identifiers to make it easy to make references for the purpose of writing associations.
Still working on the subject identifiers. They resolve but aren’t stable in terms of content.
The map will get messier before it gets better. Will use versions of this map to illustrate organizational principles for smallish maps.