Lucene Full Text Indexing with Neo4j by Romiko Derbynew.
From the post:
I spent some time working on full text search for Neo4j. The basic goals were as follows.
- Control the pointers of the index
- Full Text Search
- All operations are done via Rest
- Can create an index when creating a node
- Can update and index
- Can check if an index exists
- When bootstrapping Neo4j in the cloud run Index checks
- Query Index using full text search lucene query language.
This is based on Neo4jClient:
Source Code at:
So with the above objectives, I decided to go with Manual Indexing. The main reason here is that I can put an index pointing to node A based on values in node B.
Imagine the following.
You have Node A with a list:
Surname, FirstName and MiddleName. However Node A also has a relationship to Node B which has other names, perhaps Display Names, Avatar Names and AKA’s.
So with manual indexing, you can have all the above entries for names in Node A and Node B point to Node A only. (emphasis added)
Not quite merging but it is an interesting take on creating a single point of reference.
BTW, search for Neo4j while you are at Romiko’s blog. Several very interesting posts and I am sure more are forthcoming.