ODI Recommended Practice (NISO RP-19-201x)
From the Open Discovery Initiative (NISO) webpage:
The Open Discovery Initiative (ODI) aims at defining standards and/or best practices for the new generation of library discovery services that are based on indexed search. These discovery services are primarily based upon indexes derived from journals, ebooks and other electronic information of a scholarly nature. The content comes from a range of information providers and products–commercial, open access, institutional, etc. Given the growing interest and activity in the interactions between information providers and discovery services, this group is interested in establishing a more standard set of practices for the ways that content is represented in discovery services and for the interactions between the creators of these services and the information providers whose resources they represent.
If you are interested in the discovery of information, as a publisher, consumer of information, library or otherwise, please take the time to read and comment on this recommended practice.
Spend some time with the In Scope and Out of Scope sections.
So that your comments reflect what the recommendation intended to cover and not what you would prefer that it covered. (That’s advice I need to heed as well.)