Important Dates:
Abstract submission: Feb. 19, 2013
Paper submission: Feb. 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 12, 2013
Camera-ready copy due: May 3, 2013
RuleML-2013 dates: July 11-13, 2013
From the call for papers:
The annual International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) is an international conference on research, applications, languages and standards for rule technologies. RuleML is the leading conference for building bridges between academia and industry in the field of rules and its applications, especially as part of the semantic technology stack. It is devoted to rule-based programming and rule-based systems including production rules systems, logic programming rule engines, and business rules engines/business rules management systems; Semantic Web rule languages and rule standards (e.g., RuleML, SWRL, RIF, PRR, SBVR); Legal RuleML; rule-based event processing languages (EPLs) and technologies; hybrid rule-based methods; and research on inference rules, transformation rules, decision rules, production rules, and ECA rules.
The 7th International Symposium on Rules and the Web (RuleML 2013) will be held on July 11-13, 2013 just prior to the AAAI conference in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, Washington. Selected papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
- Rules and automated reasoning
- Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
- Rule-based event processing and reaction rules
- Rules and the web
- Fuzzy rules and uncertainty
- Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning
- Non-classical logics and the web (e.g modal and epistemic logics)
- Hybrid methods for combining rules and statistical machine learning techniques (e.g., conditional random fields, PSL)
- Rule transformation, extraction, and learning
- Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
- Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
- Rule-based distributed/multi-agent systems
- Rules, agents, and norms
- Rule-based communication, dialogue, and argumentation models
- Vocabularies and ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts and deontic primitives)
- Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
- Rules in online market research and online marketing
- Applications of rule technologies in health care and life sciences
- Legal rules and legal reasoning
- Industrial applications of rules
- Controlled natural language for rule encoding (e.g. SBVR, ACE, CLCE)
- Standards activities related to rules
- General rule topics
A number of those seem quite at home in a topic maps setting.