Getting Started with S4, The Self-Service Semantic Suite by Marin Dimitrov.
From the post:
Here’s how S4 developers can get started with The Self-Service Semantic Suite. This post provides you with practical information on the following topics:
- Registering a developer account and generating API keys
- RESTful services & free tier quotas
- Practical examples of using S4 for text analytics and Linked Data querying
Ontotext is up front about the limitations on the “free” service:
- 250 MB of text processed monthly (via the text analytics services)
- 5,000 SPARQL queries monthly (via the LOD SPARQL service)
The number of pages in a megabyte of text varies depends on text content but assuming a working average of one (1) megabyte = five hundred (500) pages of text, you can analyze up to one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) pages of text a month. Chump change for serious NLP but it is a free account.
The post goes on to detail two scenarios:
- Annotate a news document via the News analytics service
- Send a simple SPARQL query to the Linked Data service
Learn how effective entity recognition and SPARQL are with data of interest to you, at a minimum of investment.
I first saw this in a tweet by Tony Agresta.