Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 11, 2010

Subject World

Filed under: Access Points,Cataloging,Classification,Examples,LCSH,OPACS,Subject Headings — Patrick Durusau @ 9:01 am

Subject World (Japanese only)

Subject World is a project to visualize heterogeneous terminology, including catalogs, for use with library catalogs. Uses BSH4 subject headings (Basic Subject Headings) and NDC9 index terms (Nippon Decimal Classification) to visualize and retrieve information from the Osaka City University OPAC.

English language resources:

Subject World: A System for Visualizing OPAC (paper)

Slides with the same title (but different publication from the paper):

Subject World: A System for Visualizing OPAC (slides)

See also: Murakami Harumi Laboratory, in particular its research and publication pages.

1 Comment

  1. […] (given name, MURAKAMI is the family name) work on Subject World (Japanese only) (my post on Subject World includes English language references) caught my attention because of its visualization of […]

    Pingback by MURAKAMI Harumi « Another Word For It — June 12, 2010 @ 3:48 pm

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