Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 23, 2010

Open Bibliographic Working Group

Filed under: Bibliography,British National Bibliography — Patrick Durusau @ 9:54 am

Open Bibliographic Working Group

The group responsible for processing the British National Bibliography.

That was under the JISC OpenBibliography project.

They have several other projects I need to mention here.

If you are interested in bibliographic data, this is one group to follow and if you are able, please contribute to their efforts.

Querying the British National Bibliography

Filed under: British National Bibliography,Dataset,RDF,Semantic Web,SPARQL — Patrick Durusau @ 9:40 am

Querying the British National Bibliography

From the webpage:

Following up on the earlier announcement that the British Library has made the British National Bibliography available under a public domain dedication, the JISC Open Bibliography project has worked to make this data more useable.

The data has been loaded into a Virtuoso store that is queriable through the SPARQL Endpoint and the URIs that we have assigned each record use the ORDF software to make them dereferencable, supporting perform content auto-negotiation as well as embedding RDFa in the HTML representation.

The data contains some 3 million individual records and some 173 million triples. …

The data is also available for local processing but it isn’t much of a “web” if the first step is to always download a local copy of the data.

It should be interesting to watch for projects that combine the results of queries against this data with the results of other queries against other data sets. Particularly if those other data sets follow different metadata regimes.

Isn’t that the indexing problem all over again?


  1. What data set would you want to combine with British National Bibliography (BNB)?
  2. What issues do you see arising from combing the BNB with your data set? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Combining the BNB with another data set. (project)

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