RuleML 2012: The 6th International Symposium on Rules: Research Based and Industry Focused
Important dates:
Abstract submission: March 25, 2012
Paper submission: April 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 20, 2012
Camera-ready copy due: June 10, 2012
RuleML-2012 dates: August 27-29, 2012
The International Symposium on Rules, RuleML, has evolved from an annual series of international workshops since 2002, international conferences in 2005 and 2006, and international symposia since 2007. This year the RuleML Symposium will be held in conjunction with ECAI 2012, the 20th biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Montpellier, France, August 27-29, 2012.
RuleML-2012@ECAI is a research-based, industry-focused symposium: its main goal is to build a bridge between academia and industry in the field of rules and semantic technology, and so to stimulate the cooperation and interoperability between business and research, by bringing together rule system providers, participants in rule standardization efforts, open source communities, practitioners, and researchers. The concept of the symposium has also advanced continuously in the face of extremely rapid progress in practical rule and event processing technologies. As a result, RuleML-2012 will feature hands-on demonstrations and challenges alongside a wide range of thematic tracks. It will thus be an exciting venue to exchange new ideas and experiences on all issues related to the engineering, management, integration, interoperation, and interchange of rules in distributed enterprise intranets and open distributed environments.
We invite you to share your ideas, results, and experiences: as an industry practitioner, rule system provider, technical expert and developer, rule user or researcher, exploring foundations, developing systems and applications, or using rule-based systems.
We invite high-quality submissions related to (but not limited to) one or more of the following topics:
- Rules and Automated Reasoning
- Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
- Int. Conference track on Pragmatic Web (see track description below)
- Rule-Based Policies, Reputation and Trust
- Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules
- Fuzzy Rules and Uncertainty
- Rule Transformation, Extraction and Learning
- Vocabularies, Ontologies, and Business rules
- Rules in online-market research and online marketing
- Rule Markup Languages and Rule Interchange
- General Rule Topics
Late summer, Montpellier, France, an interesting meeting, what more would you want?