Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 26, 2011

Experiencing Information – Blog

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Navigation,Search Interface — Patrick Durusau @ 7:12 am

Experiencing Information is a blog by James Kalbach.

Kalbach authored Designing Web Navigation and a number of other publications on information delivery.

I will be mentioning posts by Kalbach that seem to me to be particularly useful for topic map interfaces but commend the blog to you in general.

February 24, 2011

Ender’s Topic Map

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Topic Map Software,Topic Map Systems,Usability — Patrick Durusau @ 9:06 pm

Warning: Spoiler for Ender’s game by Orson Scott Card.*

After posting my comments on the Maiana interface, in my posting Maiana February Release, I fully intended to post a suggested alternative interface.

But, comparing end results to end results isn’t going to get us much further than: “I like mine better than yours,” sort of reasoning.

It has been my experience in the topic maps community that isn’t terribly helpful or productive.

I want to use Ender’s Game to explore criteria for a successful topic map interface.

I think discussing principles of interfaces, which could be expressed any number of ways, is a useful step before simply dashing off interfaces.

Have all the children or anyone who needs to read Ender’s Game left at this point?


I certainly wasn’t a child or even young adult when I first read Ender’s Game but it was a deeply impressive piece of work.

Last warning: Spoiler immediately follows!

As you may have surmised by this point, the main character in the story is name Ender. No real surprise there.

The plot line is a familiar one, Earth is threatened by evil aliens (are there any other kind?) and is fighting a desperate war to avoid utter destruction.

Ender is selected for training at Battle School as are a number of other, very bright children. A succession of extreme situations follow, all of which Ender eventually wins, due in part to his tactical genius.

What is unknown to the reader and to Ender until after the final battle, Ender’s skills and tactics have been simultaneously used as tactics in real space battles.

Ender has been used to exterminate the alien race.

That’s what I would call a successful interface on a number of levels.

Ender’s environment wasn’t designed (at least from his view) as an actual war command center.

That is to say that it didn’t have gauges, switches, tactical displays, etc. Or at least the same information was being given to Ender, in analogous forms.

Forms that a child could understand.

First principle for topic map interfaces: Information must be delivered in a form the user will understand.

You or I may be comfortable with all the topic map machinery talk-talk but I suspect that most users aren’t.

Here’s a test of that suspicion. Go up to anyone outside of your IT department and ask the to explain how FaceBook works. Just in general terms, not the details. I’ll wait. 😉

OK, now are you satisfied that most users aren’t likely to be comfortable with topic map machinery talk-talk?

Second principle for topic map interfaces: Do not present information to all users the same way.

The military types and Ender were presented the same information in completely different ways.

Now, you may object that is just a story but I suggest that you turn on the evening news and listen to 30 minutes of Fox News and then 30 minutes of National Public Radio (A US specific example but I don’t know the nut case media in Europe.).

Same stories, one assumes the same basic facts, but you would think one or both of them had over heard an emu speaking in whispered Urdu in a crowed bus terminal.

It isn’t enough to simply avoid topic map lingo but a successful topic map interface will be designed for particular user communities.

In that regard, I think we have been mis-lead by the success or at least non-failure of interfaces for word processors, spreadsheets, etc.

The range of those applications is so limited and the utility of them for narrow purposes is so great, that they have succeeded in spite of their poor design.

So, at this point I have two principles for topic map interface design:

  • Information must be delivered in a form the user will understand.
  • Do not present information to all users the same way.

I know, Benjamin Bock, among others, is going to say this is all too theoretical, blah, blah.

Well, it is theoretical but then so is math but banking, which is fairly “practical,” would break down without math.


Actually I have an idea for an interface design that at least touches on these two principles for a topic map interface.

Set your watches for 12:00 (Eastern Time US) 28 February 2010 for a mockup of such an interface.

*(Wikipedia has a somewhat longer summary, Ender’s Game.)

PS: More posts on principles of topic map interfaces to follow. Along with more mockups, etc. of interfaces.

How useful any of the mockups prove to be, I leave to your judgment.

February 23, 2011

Maiana February Release

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Maiana,Topic Map Software — Patrick Durusau @ 3:55 pm

Maiana February Release

Uta Schulze and Michael Prilop report:

Today, the Maiana team released the first 2011 version of Maiana. After forgoing the January release because of open issues we are now presenting Maiana in a partly new design – including pagination and catchy boxes. Most important: Maiana switched to TMQL4J v. 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT supporting the draft of 2008.

  • New design: Check out our fresh new design to present data in a topic map (e.g. the Opera Topic Map). Do you like it? We also extended the ‘Overview’ box to summarize every action available to the topic map. Last but not least, we added pagination to avoid long load time and vertical scrolling.
  • New TMQL4J version: We now run on TMQL4J v. 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT (see TMQL4J 3.0.0 Release News for more information). Currently, only queries compliant to the TMQL draft of 2008 are supported.
  • Donating queries: TMQL and SPARQL queries which until now could only be used privately may now be set public. Thus enabling sharing of queries or simply promoting a interesting query result. An overview of queries may be found on the users corresponding profile page.
  • Syntax Highlighting of TMQL Queries: And because reading queries is difficult as it is we now use syntax highlighting displaying queries and even some autocompletion (try typing “FOR”)
  • “More about this subject”: To enhance the browsing experience we now look up additional information whilst visiting a topic page. This expands our use of the Semantic Search to also show topics available in visible maps on Maiana and even providing similarity information (Opera).
  • Maiana Search Provider: Do you like using your browsers search field? Try adding Maiana as a search provider and find more, faster!

The new Maiana homepage,

With Opera,

Comments on the new interface?

I think the color scheme makes it more readable, something I appreciate more and more the older I get. 😉

Beyond that…, well, I have to confess the topic map navigation interface doesn’t do a lot for me.

I think because it seems to me, personal opinion, to emphasize the machinery of the topic map at the expense of the content.

Hmmm, think of it this way, what if you had the display of an ODF based document and it listed:

    <h> elements


    3 Document Structure
    3.1 Document Representation
    3.1.1 General


    <text:p> elements

    <draw:object> elements


It would still be readable (sorta) but not exactly an enjoyable experience.

Let me leave you to think about the machinery-in-front approach versus what you would suggest as an alternative.

I have a suggested approach that I will be posting tomorrow.

(Hint: It is more of a pull than push information model for the interface. That maybe what is bothering me about the default topic map interface, that it is a push model.)

February 21, 2011

Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Crowd Sourcing,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 4:31 pm

Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside

I know, I know, won’t even go there. As the librarians say: “Look it up!”

From the abstract:

This paper introduces architectural and interaction patterns for integrating crowdsourced human contributions directly into user interfaces. We focus on writing and editing, complex endeavors that span many levels of conceptual and pragmatic activity. Authoring tools offer help with pragmatics, but for higher-level help, writers commonly turn to other people. We thus present Soylent, a word processing interface that enables writers to call on Mechanical Turk workers to shorten, proofread, and otherwise edit parts of their documents on demand. To improve worker quality, we introduce the Find-Fix-Verify crowd programming pattern, which splits tasks into a series of generation and review stages. Evaluation studies demonstrate the feasibility of crowdsourced editing and investigate questions of reliability, cost, wait time, and work time for edits.

When I first started reading the article, it seemed obvious to me that the Human Macro option could be useful for topic map authoring. At least if the tasks were sufficiently constrained.

I was startled to see a 30% error rate for the “corrections” was considered a baseline, hence the necessity for correction/control mechanisms.

The authors acknowledge that the bottom line cost of out-sourcing may weigh against its use in commercial contexts.

Perhaps so but I would run the same tests against published papers and books. To determine the error rate without an out-sourced correction loop.

I think the idea is basically sound, although for some topic maps it might be better to place qualification requirements on the outsourcing.

February 18, 2011

DSPL: Dataset Publishing Language

DSPL: Dataset Publishing Language

From the website:

DSPL is the Dataset Publishing Language, a representation language for the data and metadata of datasets. Datasets described in this format can be processed by Google and visualized in the Google Public Data Explorer.


  • Use existing data: Just add an XML metadata file to your existing CSV data files
  • Powerful visualizations: Unleash the full capabilities of the Google Public Data Explorer, including the animated bar chart, motion chart, and map visualization
  • Linkable concepts: Link to concepts in other datasets or create your own that others can use
  • Multi-language: Create datasets with metadata in any combination of languages
  • Geo-enabled: Make your data mappable by adding latitude and longitude data to your concept definitions. For even easier mapping, link to Google’s canonical geographic concepts.
  • Fully open: Freely use the DSPL format in your own applications

For the details:

A couple quick observations:

Geared towards data that can be captured in csv files, which are considerable and interesting data sets, but only a slice of all data.

Did not appear on a quick scan of the tutorial or developer guide to provide a way to specify properties for topics.

Did not appear to provide a way to specify when (or why) topic could be merged with one another.

Plus marks for enabling navigation by topics, but that is like complimenting a nautical map for having the compass directions isn’t it?

I think this could be a very good tool for investigating data or even showing, but if you had a topic map, sort of illustrations to clients.

Moving up in the stack, both virtual as well as actual, of reading materials on my desk.

February 14, 2011

Free Encyclopedia of Interactive Design, Usability and User Experience

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 1:38 pm

Free Encyclopedia of Interactive Design, Usability and User Experience

A resource like this will not make non-design types (ask me about the cover on my first book some time) into designers.

It may give you a greater appreciation for design issues and the ability to at least sense when something is wrong.

So you will know when to ask designers for their assistance.

Interfaces that are intuitive and inviting will go a long way towards selling a paradigm.

February 10, 2011

Building Interfaces for Data Engines – Post

Building Interfaces for Data Engines is a summary by Matthew Hurst of six data engines that provide access to data released by others.

If you are a data user, definitely worth a visit to learn about current data engines.

If you are a data developer, definitely worth a visit to glean where we might be going next.

If it is any consolation, the art of book design, that is the layout of text and images on a page remains more art than science.

Research on that topic, layout of print and images, has been underway for approximately 2,000 years, with no signs of slacking off now.

User interfaces face a similar path in my estimation.

February 4, 2011

Topic Map Competition

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Interface Research/Design,Marketing,News,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 4:34 am

The idea of a topic map competition seems like a good one to me.

We need to demonstrate that topic map development isn’t like a trip to the ontological dentist or protologist.

Just some random thoughts that hopefully can firm up in the near future.

Suggest starting off with two contests, with two different data sets.

24-Hour Topic Map

A 24 hour contest, with points, in part, for inclusion of participants in different time zones. To encourage the spread of topic maps around the globe.

Each team would be encouraged (required?) to keep a blog while developing the topic map so that the progress of the map, interaction with others, etc., could be documented.

Points to be awarded for participants in different time zones (up to 24 points), up to 25 points for extraction of subjects/creation of topic map structures, up to 25 points for the interface/delivery, and up to 26 points for generality of the scripts/software used in generating the map.

The greatest number of points being for generality of scripts/software so we can encourage others to try these techniques on their own data sets.

7-Day Topic Map

Not unlike the 24-Hour Topic Map (24HTM) contest except that with a much longer time period, the expectations for the results are much higher.

Points should still be awarded for participants in different time zones but should drop to 12 points, extraction/subject map structures should remain at up to 25 points, interfaces/delivery should go up to 31 points and scripts/software, up to 32 points.

Since the teams will be composed of multiple individuals, I suspect prizes are going to be limited to award certificates, listing on public websites as the winners, etc.

Any number of governments are mandating a transition to digital records (including XML) as though that will solve their access problems. For those seeking contracts, being recognized for work with a data set from a particular government could not hurt.

I suppose that may depend on whether the government views you as having permission to work with the data set. 😉

This is a very rough draft and needs a lot more details before being something practical.

PS: Should either one or both or some other variation of this suggestion prove popular, contests could be run on a monthly basis.

February 2, 2011


Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Crowd Sourcing,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 9:16 am


From the website:

Like Cloud computing with People.

Computers can’t do every task. Luckily, we have people to help.

We provide instant access to an elastic labor force. And our statistical quality control technology yields results you can trust.

From CrowdFlower Gets Gamers to Do Real Work for Virtual Pay

Here’s how it works. CrowdFlower embeds tasks in online games like FarmVille, Restaurant City, It Girl, Happy Aquarium, Happy Pets, Happy Island and Pop Boom. This means that the estimated 80 million gamers — from teens to homemakers — who are hooked on FarmVille, Zynga’s popular virtual farming game on Facebook, can be transformed into a virtual workforce.

To get to the next level in FarmVille, for example, the gamer might need 600 XP (XP means “experience” in Farmville parlance). So the gamer might buy a bed and breakfast building for $60 in FarmVille cash, which would earn him 600 XP. But for many gamers, revenue — and XP — from crop harvesting comes too slowly.

To earn game money quickly, the gamer can click a tab on the FarmVille page that links to real-world tasks to be performed by crowdsourced workers. Once the task is successfully completed, the gamer gets his FarmVille cash and CrowdFlower is paid by the client. The latter pays in real money, usually with a 10 percent markup.

Like any number of crowd sourcing services but I was struck by the notion of embedding tasks inside games for virtual payment.

Not the answer to all topic map authoring tasks but certainly worth thinking about.

Question: Does anyone have experience with creating topic maps by embedding tasks in online games?

January 30, 2011

Hubs and Connectors: Understanding Networks Through Data Visualization – Post

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Topic Map Software — Patrick Durusau @ 8:44 pm

Hubs and Connectors: Understanding Networks Through Data Visualization

I have been shying away from the rash of LinkedIn graph visualizations but then I ran across this one by Whitney Hess at her Pleasure + Pain: Improving the human experience one day at a time blog.

The title alone made me take a double take. 😉

This post merits your reading as an introduction to network analysis, albeit presented in an easy to understand way with eye-candy along the way.

While you are there, check out her archives and other posts as well.

Such as: 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

If I could get topic map project managers to read one article, it would be that one.

January 21, 2011

Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval

Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval

From the website:

Human-computer Information Retrieval (HCIR) combines research from the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and information retrieval (IR), placing an emphasis on human involvement in search activities.

The HCIR workshop has run annually since 2007. The workshop unites academic researchers and industrial practitioners working at the intersection of HCI and IR to develop more sophisticated models, tools, and evaluation metrics to support activities such as interactive information retrieval and exploratory search. It provides an opportunity for attendees to informally share ideas via posters, small group discussions and selected short talks.

Workshop participants present interfaces (including mockups, prototypes, and other early-stage designs), research results from user studies of interfaces, and system demonstrations related to the intersection of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Retrieval (IR). The intent of the workshop is not archival publication, but rather to provide a forum to build community and to stimulate discussion, new insight, and experimentation on search interface design.

Proceedings from 2007 to date are available.

I would point to the workshops separately or even some of the papers but the site helpfully returns its base URL for all resources.

Good weekend or even weekday reading!

January 20, 2011

80-50 Rule?

Filed under: Crowd Sourcing,Interface Research/Design,Search Interface,Uncategorized — Patrick Durusau @ 6:18 am

Watzlawick1 recounts the following experiment:

That there is no necessary connection between fact and explanation was illustrated in a recent experiment by Bavelas (20): Each subject was told he was participating in an experimental investigation of “concept formation” and was given the same gray, pebbly card about which he was to “formulate concepts.” Of every pair of subjects (seen separately but concurrently) one was told eight out of ten times at random that what he said about the card was correct; the other was told five out of ten times at random what he said about the card was correct. The ideas of the subject who was “rewarded” with a frequency of 80 per cent remained on a simple level, which the subject who was “rewarded” only at a frequency of 50 per cent evolved complex, subtle, and abstruse theories about the card, taking into consideration the tiniest detail of the card’s composition. When the two subjects were brought together and asked to discuss their findings, the subject with the simpler ideas immediately succumbed to the “brilliance” of the other’s concepts and agreed the other had analyzed the card correctly.

I repeat this account because it illustrates the impact that “reward” systems can have on results.

Whether the “rewards” are members of a crowd or experts.


  1. Should you randomly reject searches in training to search for subjects?
  2. What literature supports your conclusion in #1? (3-5 pages)

This study does raise the interesting question of whether conferences should track and randomly reject authors to encourage innovation.

1. Watzlawick, Paul, Janet Beavin Bavelas, and Don D. Jackson. 1967. Pragmatics of human communication; a study of interactional patterns, pathologies, and paradoxes. New York: Norton.

January 19, 2011


Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Search Interface — Patrick Durusau @ 6:24 am

Dan Russell of Google, notes in Why is search sometimes easy and sometimes hard? Understanding serendipity and expertise in the mind of the searcher, teaching someone to use Control-F to search for text on a page, out performs 16 other changes they made to a search interface. An improvement of 12% in time-to-result measure.

Now for the sad news:

  • 90% of all US internet users do NOT know how to Control-F
  • 50% of all US teachers do NOT know how to Control-F

Two questions:

  1. Does your topic map improve time-to-result by 12% or better?
  2. Do your users know how to use Control-F?

PS: This is a great presentation. I have other comments on it but wanted to single this one out for your attention.

January 17, 2011

Dark Patterns

Filed under: Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 8:36 am

Dark Patterns: User Interfaces Designed to Trick People

I found this site from the blog posting Anti-Patterns and Dark Patterns at Endeca.

The term dark patterns is used to refer to patterns in user interfaces that by design try to serve their own purposes and not those of users.

Such as making canceling a subscription very difficult.

There are a host of other examples at this site.

One legitimate use of such examples would be as contrast to your topic map interface, which is designed to assist users.

Or in the preparation of such a demonstration to alert you that your interface isn’t as helpful as you thought.

Endeca User Interface Design Pattern Library

Filed under: Facets,Interface Research/Design,Navigation,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 6:36 am

Endeca User Interface Design Pattern Library

From the website:

p>The Endeca User Interface Design Pattern Library (UIDPL) describes  principled ways to solve common user interface design problems related to search, faceted navigation, and discovery. The library includes both specific UI design patterns as well as pattern topics such as:

  • Search
  • Faceted Navigation
  • Promotional Spotlighting
  • Results Manipulation
  • Faceted Analytics
  • Spatial Visualization

The patterns are offered as proposed sets of design guidelines based on our research and design experience as well as lessons learned from the information search and discovery community. They are NOT the only solutions, strict recipes etched in stone, or a substitute for sound human-centered design practices.

When the week starts off with discovery of a resource like this one, I know it is going to be a good week!

January 15, 2011

How To Model Search Term Data To Classify User Intent & Match Query Expectations – Post

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Data Mining,Interface Research/Design,Search Data — Patrick Durusau @ 5:49 pm

How To Model Search Term Data To Classify User Intent & Match Query Expectations by Mark Sprague, courtesy of is an interesting piece on analysis of search data to extract user intent.

As interesting as that is, I think it could be used by topic map authors for a slightly different purpose.

What if we were to use search data to classify how users were seeking particular subjects?

That is to mine search data for patterns of subject identification, which really isn’t all that different than deciding what product or what service to market to a user.

As a matter of fact, I suspect that many of the tools used by marketeers could be dual purposed to develop subject identifications for non-marketing information systems.

Such as library catalogs or professional literature searches.

The later being often pay-per-view, maintaining high customer satisfaction means repeat business and work of mouth advertising.

I am sure there is already literature on this sort of mining of search data for subject identifications. If you have a pointer or two, please send them my way.

January 6, 2011

Moving Forward – Library Project Blog

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Library,Library software,Software,Solr — Patrick Durusau @ 8:30 am

Moving Forward is a blog I discovered via alls things cataloged.

From the Forward blog:

Forward is a Resource Discovery experiment that builds a unified search interface for library data.

Today Forward is 100% of the UW System Library catalogs and two UW digital collections. The project also experiments with additional search contextualization by using web service APIs.

Forward can be accessed at the URL:

Sounds like a great opportunity for topic map fans with an interest in library interfaces to make a contribution.

December 10, 2010

Decoding Searcher Intent: Is “MS” Microsoft Or Multiple Sclerosis? – Post

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Interface Research/Design,Search Engines,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 7:35 pm

Decoding Searcher Intent: Is “MS” Microsoft Or Multiple Sclerosis? is a great post from

Although focused on user behavior, as a guide to optimizing content for search engines, the same analysis is relevant for construction of topic maps.

A topic map for software help files is very unlikely to treat “MS” as anything other than Microsoft.

Even if those files might contain a references to Multiple Sclerosis, written as “MS.”


Because every topic map will concentrate its identification of subjects and relationships between subjects where there is the greatest return on investment.

Just as we have documentation rot now, there will be topic map rot as some subjects near the boundary of what is being maintained.

And some subjects won’t be identified or maintained at all.

Perhaps another class of digital have-nots.


  1. Read the post and prepare a one page summary of its main points.
  2. What other log analysis would you use in designing a topic map? (3-5 pages, citations)
  3. Should a majority of user behavior/expectations drive topic map design? (3-5 pages, no citations)

December 8, 2010

Barriers to Entry in Search Getting Smaller – Post

Filed under: Indexing,Interface Research/Design,Search Engines,Search Interface,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 9:49 am

Barriers to Entry in Search Getting Smaller

Jeff Dalton, Jeff’s Search Engine Caffè, makes a good argument that the barriers to entering the search market are getting smaller.

Jeff observes that blekko can succeed with a small number of servers only because its search demand is low.

True, but how many intra-company or litigation search engines are going to have web-sized user demands?

Start-ups need not try to match Google in its own space, but can carve out interesting and economically rewarding niches of their own.

Particularly if those niches involve mapping semantically diverse resources into useful search results for their users.

For example, biomedical researchers probably have little interest in catalog entries that happen to match gene names. Or any of the other common mis-matches offered by entire web search services.

In some ways, search the entire web services have created their own problem and then attempted to solve it.

My research interests are in information retrieval broadly defined so a search engine limited to library schools, CS programs (their faculty and students), the usual suspects for CS collections, library/CS/engineering organizations, with semantic mapping, would suit me just find.

Noting that the semantic mis-match problem persists even with a narrowing of resources, but the benefit of each mapping is incrementally greater.


  1. What resources are relevant to your research interests? (3-5 pages, web or other citations)
  2. Create a Google account to create your own custom search engine and populate it with your resources.
  3. Develop and execute 20 queries against your search engine and Google, Bing and one other search engine of your choice. Evaluate and report the results of those queries.
  4. Would semantic mapping such as we have discussed for topic maps be more or less helpful with your custom search engine versus the others you tried? (3-5 pages, no citations)

Aspects of Topic Maps

Writing about Bobo: Fast Faceted Search With Lucene, made me start to think about the various aspects of topic maps.

Authoring of topic maps is something that was never discussed in the original HyTime based topic map standard and despite several normative syntaxes, mostly even now it is either you have a topic map, or you don’t. Depending upon your legend.

Which is helpful given the unlimited semantics that can be addressed with topic maps but looks awfully hand-wavy to, ahem, outsiders.

Subject Identity or should I say: when two subject representatives are deemed for some purpose to represent the same subject. (That’s clearer. ;-)) This lies at the heart of topic maps and the rest of the paradigm supports or is consequences of this principle.

There is no one way to identify any subject and users should be free to use the identification that suits them best. Where subjects include the data structures that we build for users. Yes, IT doesn’t get to dictate what subjects can be identified or how. (Probably should have never been the case but that is another issue.)

Merging of subject representatives. Merging is an aspect of recognizing two or more subject representatives represent the same subject. What happens then is implementation, data model and requirement specific.

A user may wish to see separate representatives just prior to merger so merging can be audited or may wish to see only merged representatives for some subset of subjects or may have other requirements.

Interchange of topic maps. Not exclusively the domain of syntaxes/data models but an important purpose for them. It is entirely possible to have topic maps for which no interchange is intended or desirable. Rumor has it of the topic maps at the Y-12 facility at Oak Ridge for example. Interchange was not their purpose.

Navigation of the topic map. The post that provoked this one is a good example. I don’t need specialized or monolithic software to navigate a topic map. It hampers topic map development to suggest otherwise.

Querying topic maps. Topic maps have been slow to develop a query language and that effort has recently re-started. Graph query languages, that are already fairly mature, may be sufficient for querying topic maps.

Given the diversity of subject identity semantics, I don’t foresee a one size fits all topic maps query language.

Interfaces for topic maps. However one resolves/implements other aspects of topic maps, due regard has to be paid to the issue of interfaces. Efforts thus far range from web portals to “look its a topic map!” type interface.

In the defense of current efforts, human-computer interfaces are poorly understood. Not surprising since the human-codex interface isn’t completely understood and we have been working at that one considerably longer.


  1. What other aspects to topic maps would you list?
  2. Would you sub-divide any of these aspects? If so, how?
  3. What suggestions do you have for one or more of these aspects?

December 7, 2010

United States of Autocomplete – Post

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 7:08 am

United States of Autocomplete also via Flowing Data

Deeply amusing visualization of autocompletion of search terms by the Google search engine.

Most data manipulation/visualization focuses on some data set.

What if those techniques were turned inward?

That is to say what if data manipulation/visualization choices were visualized? Either in terms of the choices they make or the processes they use?

I suspect that is a largely unexplored area of visualization and one where given the differences in terminology, topic map could be helpful.


  1. What data manipulation/visualization choices would you suggest for visualization? What about them do you think could be visualized? (3-5 pages, citations)
  2. How should we go about designing a visualization for #1? What is it that we wish to illustrate? (3-5 pages, citations)
  3. How would we compare that visualization to other visualizations? In topic map terms, what are the subjects and how do we identify them? (3-5 pages, citations)

PS: One additional thought. What if we had a data set and compared two techniques, manipulation or visualization, on the basis of how they treated the data? What data was lost or not included by one technique but was by another? And does it vary by the nature of the data set?

Could be useful for topic map engineers trying to decide on the best tools for a particular job. I am sure that sort of information is generally available in data mining books or in stories about data mining exercises, but being able to visualize the same could be quite useful.

Visualizing Similarities

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 6:14 am

Flowing Data reports on Similarities Between PhD Dissertations

From Flowing Data:

Certain fields of study tend to cover many of the same topics. Many times, the two fields go hand-in-hand. Electrical engineering, for example, ties tightly with computer science. Same thing between education and sociology. Daniel Ramage and Jason Chuang of Stanford University explore these similarities through the language used in their school’s dissertations.

Topic distance is explored between departments from 1993 to 2008. Select a department and it goes to the middle of the circle. Departments with dissertations that were similar for the year are highlighted and near closer. The closer to the center, the more similar. Alternatively, you should also be able to find departments who are fairly different from the rest.

You can also use the time slider on the bottom to check out how some departments grow closer to another over time.


  1. Interesting visualization but how would you suggest learning more about the basis for “similarity?” (3-5 pages, no citations)
  2. More generally, how would you go about evaluating claims of “similarity?” Would you compare different measures or use some other methodology? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Can you suggest other visualizations of “similarity?” (1-3 pages, citations/hyperlinks)

December 6, 2010


KissKissBan: A Competitive Human Computation Game for Image Annotation Authors: Chien-Ju Ho, Tao-Hsuan Chang, Jong-Chuan Lee, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Kuan-Ta Chen Keywords: Amazon Mechanical Turk, ESP Game, Games With A Purpose, Human Computation, Image Annotation


In this paper, we propose a competitive human computation game, KissKissBan (KKB), for image annotation. KKB is different from other human computation games since it integrates both collaborative and competitive elements in the game design. In a KKB game, one player, the blocker, competes with the other two collaborative players, the couples; while the couples try to find consensual descriptions about an image, the blocker’s mission is to prevent the couples from reaching consensus. Because of its design, KKB possesses two nice properties over the traditional human computation game. First, since the blocker is encouraged to stop the couples from reaching consensual descriptions, he will try to detect and prevent coalition between the couples; therefore, these efforts naturally form a player-level cheating-proof mechanism. Second, to evade the restrictions set by the blocker, the couples would endeavor to bring up a more diverse set of image annotations. Experiments hosted on Amazon Mechanical Turk and a gameplay survey involving 17 participants have shown that KKB is a fun and efficient game for collecting diverse image annotations.

This article makes me wonder about the use of “games” for the construction of topic maps?

I don’t know of any theoretical reason why topic map construction has to resemble a visit to the dentist office. 😉

Or for that matter, why does a user needs to know they are authoring/using a topic map at all?


  1. What other game or game like scenario’s do you think lend themselves to the creation of online content? (3-5 pages, citations)
  2. What type of information do you think users could usefully contribute to a topic map (whether known to be a topic map or not)? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Sketch out a proposal for an online game that adds information, focusing on incentives and the information contributed. (3-5 pages, no citations)

December 5, 2010

d.note: revising user interfaces through change tracking, annotations, and alternatives

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 8:22 am

d.note: revising user interfaces through change tracking, annotations, and alternatives Authors: Björn Hartmann, Sean Follmer, Antonio Ricciardi, Timothy Cardenas, Scott R. Klemmer


Interaction designers typically revise user interface prototypes by adding unstructured notes to storyboards and screen printouts. How might computational tools increase the efficacy of UI revision? This paper introduces d.note, a revision tool for user interfaces expressed as control flow diagrams. d.note introduces a command set for modifying and annotating both appearance and behavior of user interfaces; it also defines execution semantics so proposed changes can be tested immediately. The paper reports two studies that compare production and interpretation of revisions in d.note to freeform sketching on static images (the status quo). The revision production study showed that testing of ideas during the revision process led to more concrete revisions, but that the tool also affected the type and number of suggested changes. The revision interpretation study showed that d.note revisions required fewer clarifications, and that additional techniques for expressing revision intent could be beneficial. (There is a movie that accompanies this article as well.)

Designing/revising user interfaces is obviously relevant to the general task of creating topic maps software.


  1. Pick a current topic map authoring tool and evaluate its user interface. (3-5 pages, no citations)
  2. Create a form for authoring topic map material in a particular domain.
  3. What are the strong/weak points of your proposal in #2? (3-5 pages, no citations)

December 3, 2010

Data Visualization Practices at the New York Times – Post

Filed under: Graphics,Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 5:06 pm

Data Visualization Practices at the New York Times

Amanda Cox of the New York Times’ graphics department recently gave a great presentation to the New Media Days conference in Copenhagen and described how the Times uses data visualizations to reveal patterns, provide context, describe relationships, and even create a sense of wonder about the world.

Great post!

December 2, 2010

Silverlight Pivotviewer – Addendum

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Pivotviewer,Software — Patrick Durusau @ 11:19 am

I was amused to read:

At a high-level, CXML can be thought of as a set of property/value pairings. Facets are like property values on an item, and facet categories are groups of facets. For example: if a collection had a facet category called “U.S. State,” then “Georgia” could be a facet in that category. Depending on authoring choices, these facets may be displayed as filters in the PivotViewer collection experience, or included in the details of an item. Collection XML Schema

Sounds a lot like the Topic Maps Reference Model.

Or, the game of twenty questions.

That is the subject you are identifying is broader or narrower depending upon the number of key/value pairs you specify.

The Pivotviewer allows you to go from a very broad subject to a very narrow, even a specific one by, adding on key/value pairs.

Legends enable users to arrive at the same broad or narrow subject, even if they have different key/value pairs for that subject.

Hey, that is rather neat and practical isn’t it? (Take note Lars. He knows which one.)

Will have to investigate how to combine collection XML schemas to make that point.

More to follow on this topic (sorry) anon.

Silverlight Pivotviewer – A Turning Point For Visualizing Topic Maps?

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Pivotviewer,Software — Patrick Durusau @ 9:32 am

Andrew Townley has suggested Gary Flake: is Pivot a turning point for web exploration? as an example of “wow” factor.

From a search on Pivot I found: Silverlight Pivotviewer is no longer experimental.

On the issue of “wow” factor, I have to agree. This is truly awesome.

I am sure there are corner cases and bugs, but I think kudos are due to the developers of Silverlight Pivotviewer.

Now the question is what do “we,” as in the topic maps community, do with this nice shiny tool?


  1. What are the factors you would consider for navigation of your topic map? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  2. How would you test your navigation choices? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Demonstration of navigation of your topic map. (class demonstration)

November 28, 2010

Computational Information Design

Filed under: Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 7:24 am

Computational Information Design by Ben Fry develops what is required for information visualization.

Particularly relevant given the developer-driven designs/presentations I have seen.

I am sure the developers in question found them very intuitive.

Or at least I hope they did.

It be really sad to have an interface no one found intuitive.


  1. Annotated bibliography of citations of Fry’s dissertation. Focus on what is interesting/useful about the citing material.
  2. For collection development, would it be helpful to have a graphic overview by publication date for the collection? What other graphics would you suggest? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Annotated bibliography of ten (10) works on visualization of information.

November 22, 2010


Filed under: Information Retrieval,Interface Research/Design,Mapping — Patrick Durusau @ 7:08 am


First noticed on Alex Popescu’s blog.

Text a phone number and then it appears as an entry on a map.

I have an uneasy feeling this may be important.

Not this particular application but the ease of putting content from dispersed correspondents together into a single map.

I wonder if instead of distance the correspondents could be dispersed over time? Say as users of a document archive?*


  1. How would you apply these techniques to a document archive? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  2. How would you adapt the mapping of a document archive based on user response? (3-5 pages, no citations)
  3. Design an application of this technique for a document archive. (Project)

*Or for those seeking more real-time applications, imagine GPS coordinates + status updates from cellphones on a more detailed map. Useful for any number of purposes.

October 30, 2010

8 Keys to Findability

8 Keys to Findability mentions in closing:

The average number of search terms is about 1.7 words, which is not a lot when searching across millions of documents. Therefore, a conversation type of experience where users can get feedback from the results and refine their search makes for the most effective search results.

I have a different take on that factoid.

The average user needs only 1.7 words to identify a subject of interest to them.

Why the gap between 1.7 words and the number of words required for “effective search results?”

Why ask?

Returning millions of “hits” is on 1.7 words is meaningless.

Returning the ten most relevant “hits” on 1.7 words is a G***** killer.

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