Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 20, 2014

Teaching Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go

Filed under: Deep Learning,Games,Machine Learning,Monte Carlo — Patrick Durusau @ 2:38 pm

Teaching Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go by Christopher Clark and Amos Storkey.


Mastering the game of Go has remained a long standing challenge to the field of AI. Modern computer Go systems rely on processing millions of possible future positions to play well, but intuitively a stronger and more ‘humanlike’ way to play the game would be to rely on pattern recognition abilities rather then brute force computation. Following this sentiment, we train deep convolutional neural networks to play Go by training them to predict the moves made by expert Go players. To solve this problem we introduce a number of novel techniques, including a method of tying weights in the network to ‘hard code’ symmetries that are expect to exist in the target function, and demonstrate in an ablation study they considerably improve performance. Our final networks are able to achieve move prediction accuracies of 41.1% and 44.4% on two different Go datasets, surpassing previous state of the art on this task by significant margins. Additionally, while previous move prediction programs have not yielded strong Go playing programs, we show that the networks trained in this work acquired high levels of skill. Our convolutional neural networks can consistently defeat the well known Go program GNU Go, indicating it is state of the art among programs that do not use Monte Carlo Tree Search. It is also able to win some games against state of the art Go playing program Fuego while using a fraction of the play time. This success at playing Go indicates high level principles of the game were learned.

If you are going to pursue the study of Monte Carlo Tree Search for semantic purposes, there isn’t any reason to not enjoy yourself as well. 😉

And following the best efforts in game playing will be educational as well.

I take the efforts at playing Go by computer as well as those for chess, as indicating how far ahead humans are to AI.

Both of those two-player, complete knowledge games were mastered long ago by humans. Multi-player games with extended networds of influence and motives, not to mention incomplete information as well, seem securely reserved for human players for the foreseeable future. (I wonder if multi-player scenarios are similar to the multi-body problem in physics? Except with more influences.)

I first saw this in a tweet by Ebenezer Fogus.

December 19, 2014

DeepSpeech: Scaling up end-to-end speech recognition [Is Deep the new Big?]

Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning,Speech Recognition — Patrick Durusau @ 5:18 pm

DeepSpeech: Scaling up end-to-end speech recognition by Awni Hannun, et al.


We present a state-of-the-art speech recognition system developed using end-to-end deep learning. Our architecture is significantly simpler than traditional speech systems, which rely on laboriously engineered processing pipelines; these traditional systems also tend to perform poorly when used in noisy environments. In contrast, our system does not need hand-designed components to model background noise, reverberation, or speaker variation, but instead directly learns a function that is robust to such effects. We do not need a phoneme dictionary, nor even the concept of a “phoneme.” Key to our approach is a well-optimized RNN training system that uses multiple GPUs, as well as a set of novel data synthesis techniques that allow us to efficiently obtain a large amount of varied data for training. Our system, called DeepSpeech, outperforms previously published results on the widely studied Switchboard Hub5’00, achieving 16.5% error on the full test set. DeepSpeech also handles challenging noisy environments better than widely used, state-of-the-art commercial speech systems.

Although the academic papers, so far, are using “deep learning” in a meaningful sense, early 2015 is likely to see many vendors rebranding their offerings as incorporating or being based on deep learning.

When approached with any “deep learning” application or service, check out the Internet Archive WayBack Machine to see how they were marketing their software/service before “deep learning” became popular.

Is there a GPU-powered box in your future?

I first saw this in a tweet by Andrew Ng.

Update: After posting I encountered: Baidu claims deep learning breakthrough with Deep Speech by Derrick Harris. Talks to Andrew Ng, great write-up.

December 18, 2014


Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 7:11 pm


From the homepage:

DeepDive is a new type of system that enables developers to analyze data on a deeper level than ever before. DeepDive is a trained system: it uses machine learning techniques to leverage on domain-specific knowledge and incorporates user feedback to improve the quality of its analysis.

DeepDive differs from traditional systems in several ways:

  • DeepDive is aware that data is often noisy and imprecise: names are misspelled, natural language is ambiguous, and humans make mistakes. Taking such imprecisions into account, DeepDive computes calibrated probabilities for every assertion it makes. For example, if DeepDive produces a fact with probability 0.9 it means the fact is 90% likely to be true.
  • DeepDive is able to use large amounts of data from a variety of sources. Applications built using DeepDive have extracted data from millions of documents, web pages, PDFs, tables, and figures.
  • DeepDive allows developers to use their knowledge of a given domain to improve the quality of the results by writing simple rules that inform the inference (learning) process. DeepDive can also take into account user feedback on the correctness of the predictions, with the goal of improving the predictions.
  • DeepDive is able to use the data to learn "distantly". In contrast, most machine learning systems require tedious training for each prediction. In fact, many DeepDive applications, especially at early stages, need no traditional training data at all!
  • DeepDive’s secret is a scalable, high-performance inference and learning engine. For the past few years, we have been working to make the underlying algorithms run as fast as possible. The techniques pioneered in this project
    are part of commercial and open source tools including MADlib, Impala, a product from Oracle, and low-level techniques, such as Hogwild!. They have also been included in Microsoft's Adam.

This is an example of why I use Twitter for current awareness. My odds for encountering DeepDive on a web search, due primarily to page-ranked search results, are very, very low. From the change log, it looks like DeepDive was announced in March of 2014, which isn’t very long to build up a page-rank.

You do have to separate the wheat from the chaff with Twitter, but DeepDive is an example of what you may find. You won’t find it with search, not for another year or two, perhaps longer.

How does that go? He said he had a problem and was going to use search to find a solution? Now he has two problems? 😉

I first saw this in a tweet by Stian Danenbarger.

PS: Take a long and careful look at DeepDive. Unless I find other means, I am likely to be using DeepDive to extract text and the redactions (character length) from a redacted text.

December 14, 2014

Machine Learning: The High-Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt (and Merging)

Filed under: Machine Learning,Merging,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 1:55 pm

Machine Learning: The High-Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt by D. Sculley, et al.


Machine learning offers a fantastically powerful toolkit for building complex systems quickly. This paper argues that it is dangerous to think of these quick wins as coming for free. Using the framework of technical debt, we note that it is remarkably easy to incur massive ongoing maintenance costs at the system level when applying machine learning. The goal of this paper is highlight several machine learning specific risk factors and design patterns to be avoided or refactored where possible. These include boundary erosion, entanglement, hidden feedback loops, undeclared consumers, data dependencies, changes in the external world, and a variety of system-level anti-patterns.

Under “entanglement” (referring to inputs) the authors announce the CACE principle:

Changing Anything Changes Everything

The net result of such changes is that prediction behavior may alter, either subtly or dramatically, on various slices of the distribution. The same principle applies to hyper-parameters. Changes in regularization strength, learning settings, sampling methods in training, convergence thresholds, and essentially every other possible tweak can have similarly wide ranging effects.

Entanglement is a native condition in topic maps as a result of the merging process. Yet, I don’t recall there being much discussion of how to evaluate the potential for unwanted entanglement or how to avoid entanglement (if desired).

You may have topics in a topic map where merging with later additions to the topic map is to be avoided. Perhaps to avoid the merging of spam topics that would otherwise overwhelm your content.

One way to avoid that and yet allow users to use links reported as subjectIdentifiers and subjectLocators under the TMDM would be to not report those properties for some set of topics to the topic map engine. The only property they could merge on would be their topicID, which hopefully you have concealed from public users.

Not unlike the traditions of Unix where some X ports are unavailable to any users other than root. Topics with IDs below N are skipped by the topic map engine for merging purposes, unless the merging is invoked by the equivalent of root.

No change in current syntax or modeling required, although a filter on topic IDs would need to be implemented to add this to current topic map applications.

I am sure there are other ways to prevent merging of some topics but this seems like a simple way to achieve that end.

Unfortunately it does not address the larger question of the “technical debt” incurred to maintain a topic map of any degree of sophistication.


I first saw this in a tweet by Elias Ponvert.

December 12, 2014

RoboBrain: The World’s First Knowledge Engine For Robots

Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 8:01 pm

RoboBrain: The World’s First Knowledge Engine For Robots

From the post:

One of the most exciting changes influencing modern life is the ability to search and interact with information on a scale that has never been possible before. All this is thanks to a convergence of technologies that have resulted in services such as Google Now, Siri, Wikipedia and IBM’s Watson supercomputer.

This gives us answers to a wide range of questions on almost any topic simply by whispering a few words into a smart phone or typing a few characters into a laptop. Part of what makes this possible is that humans are good at coping with ambiguity. So the answer to a simple question such as “how to make cheese on toast” can result in very general instructions that an ordinary person can easily follow.

For robots, the challenge is quite different. These machines require detailed instructions even for the simplest task. For example, a robot asking a search engine “how to bring sweet tea from the kitchen” is unlikely to get the detail it needs to carry out the task since it requires all kinds of incidental knowledge such as the idea that cups can hold liquid (but not when held upside down), that water comes from taps and can be heated in a kettle or microwave, and so on.

The truth is that if robots are ever to get useful knowledge from search engines, these databases will have to contain a much more detailed description of every task that they might need to carry out.

Enter Ashutosh Saxena at Stanford University in Palo Alto and a number of pals, who have set themselves the task of building such knowledge engine for robots.

These guys have already begun creating a kind of Google for robots that can be freely accessed by any device wishing to carry out a task. At the same time, the database gathers new information about these tasks as robots perform them, thereby learning as it goes. They call their new knowledge engine RoboBrain.


An overview of: RoboBrain: Large-Scale Knowledge Engine for Robots.

See the website as well:

Not quite AI but something close.

If nothing else, the project should identify a large amount of tacit knowledge that is generally overlooked.

Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled:…

Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning,Neural Networks — Patrick Durusau @ 7:47 pm

Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images by Anh Nguyen, Jason Yosinski, Jeff Clune.


Deep neural networks (DNNs) have recently been achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of pattern-recognition tasks, most notably visual classification problems. Given that DNNs are now able to classify objects in images with near-human-level performance, questions naturally arise as to what differences remain between computer and human vision. A recent study revealed that changing an image (e.g. of a lion) in a way imperceptible to humans can cause a DNN to label the image as something else entirely (e.g. mislabeling a lion a library). Here we show a related result: it is easy to produce images that are completely unrecognizable to humans, but that state-of-the-art DNNs believe to be recognizable objects with 99.99% confidence (e.g. labeling with certainty that white noise static is a lion). Specifically, we take convolutional neural networks trained to perform well on either the ImageNet or MNIST datasets and then find images with evolutionary algorithms or gradient ascent that DNNs label with high confidence as belonging to each dataset class. It is possible to produce images totally unrecognizable to human eyes that DNNs believe with near certainty are familiar objects. Our results shed light on interesting differences between human vision and current DNNs, and raise questions about the generality of DNN computer vision.

This is a great paper for weekend reading, even if computer vision isn’t your field. In part because the results were unexpected. Computer science is moving towards being an experimental science, at least in some situations.

Before you read the article, spend a few minutes thinking about how DNNs and human vision differ.

I haven’t run it to ground yet but I wonder if the authors have stumbled upon a way to deceive deep neural networks outside of computer vision applications? If so, does that suggest experiments that could identify ways to deceive other classification algorithms? And how would you detect such means if they were employed? Still confident about your data processing results?

I first saw this in a tweet by Gregory Piatetsky.

December 11, 2014

Do we Need Hundreds of Classi fiers to Solve Real World Classi fication Problems?

Filed under: Classification,Classifier,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 10:07 am

Do we Need Hundreds of Classi fiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems? by Manuel Fernández-Delgado, Eva Cernadas, Senén Barro, and Dinani Amorim. (Journal of Machine Learning Research 15 (2014) 3133-3181)


We evaluate 179 classifiers arising from 17 families (discriminant analysis, Bayesian, neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, rule-based classifiers, boosting, bagging, stacking, random forests and other ensembles, generalized linear models, nearest-neighbors, partial least squares and principal component regression, logistic and multinomial regression, multiple adaptive regression splines and other methods), implemented in Weka, R (with and without the caret package), C and Matlab, including all the relevant classifiers available today. We use 121 data sets, which represent the whole UCI data base (excluding the large-scale problems) and other own real problems, in order to achieve significant conclusions about the classifier behavior, not dependent on the data set collection. The classifiers most likely to be the bests are the random forest (RF) versions, the best of which (implemented in R and accessed via caret) achieves 94.1% of the maximum accuracy overcoming 90% in the 84.3% of the data sets. However, the difference is not statistically significant with the second best, the SVM with Gaussian kernel implemented in C using LibSVM, which achieves 92.3% of the maximum accuracy. A few models are clearly better than the remaining ones: random forest, SVM with Gaussian and polynomial kernels, extreme learning machine with Gaussian kernel, C5.0 and avNNet (a committee of multi-layer perceptrons implemented in R with the caret package). The random forest is clearly the best family of classifiers (3 out of 5 bests classifiers are RF), followed by SVM (4 classifiers in the top-10), neural networks and boosting ensembles (5 and 3 members in the top-20, respectively).

Keywords: classifi cation, UCI data base, random forest, support vector machine, neural networks, decision trees, ensembles, rule-based classi fiers, discriminant analysis, Bayesian classifi ers, generalized linear models, partial least squares and principal component regression, multiple adaptive regression splines, nearest-neighbors, logistic and multinomial regression

Deeply impressive work but I can hear in the distance the girding of loins and sharpening of tools of scholarly disagreement. 😉

If you are looking for a very comprehensive reference of current classifiers, this is the paper for you.

For the practicing data scientist I think the lesson is to learn a small number of the better classifiers and to not fret overmuch about the lesser ones. If a major breakthrough in classification techniques does happen, it will be in the major tools with great fanfare.

I first saw this in a tweet by Jason Baldridge.

December 9, 2014

Data Science with Hadoop: Predicting Airline Delays – Part 2

Filed under: Hadoop,Hortonworks,Machine Learning,Python,R,Spark — Patrick Durusau @ 5:25 pm

Using machine learning algorithms, Spark and Scala – Part 2 by Ofer Mendelevitch and Beau Plath.

From the post:

In this 2nd part of the blog post and its accompanying IPython Notebook in our series on Data Science and Apache Hadoop, we continue to demonstrate how to build a predictive model with Apache Hadoop, using existing modeling tools. And this time we’ll use Apache Spark and ML-Lib.

Apache Spark is a relatively new entrant to the Hadoop ecosystem. Now running natively on Apache Hadoop YARN, the architectural center of Hadoop, Apache Spark is an in-memory data processing API and execution engine that is effective for machine learning and data science use cases. And with Spark on YARN, data workers can simultaneously use Spark for data science workloads alongside other data access engines–all accessing the same shared dataset on the same cluster.


The next installment in this series continues the analysis with the same dataset but then with R!

The bar for user introductions to technology is getting higher even as we speak!

Data Science with Apache Hadoop: Predicting Airline Delays (Part 1)

Filed under: Hadoop,Hortonworks,Machine Learning,Python,R,Spark — Patrick Durusau @ 5:06 pm

Using machine learning algorithms, Pig and Python – Part 1 by Ofer Mendelevitch.

From the post:

With the rapid adoption of Apache Hadoop, enterprises use machine learning as a key technology to extract tangible business value from their massive data assets. This derivation of business value is possible because Apache Hadoop YARN as the architectural center of Modern Data Architecture (MDA) allows purpose-built data engines such as Apache Tez and Apache Spark to process and iterate over multiple datasets for data science techniques within the same cluster.


It is a common misconception that the way data scientists apply predictive learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Random Forest or Neural Networks to large datasets requires a dramatic change in approach, in tooling, or in usage of siloed clusters. Not so: no dramatic change; no dedicated clusters; using existing modeling tools will suffice.

In fact, the big change is in what is known as “feature engineering”—the process by which very large raw data is transformed into a “feature matrix.” Enabled by Apache Hadoop with YARN as an ideal platform, this transformation of large raw datasets (terabytes or petabytes) into a feature matrix is now scalable and not limited by RAM or compute power of a single node.

Since the output of the feature engineering step (the “feature matrix”) tends to be relatively small in size (typically in the MB or GB scale), a common choice is to run the learning algorithm on a single machine (often with multiple cores and high amount of RAM), allowing us to utilize a plethora of existing robust tools and algorithms from R packages, Python’s Scikit-learn, or SAS.

In this multi-part blog post and its accompanying IPython Notebook, we will demonstrate an example step-by-step solution to a supervised learning problem. We will show how to solve this problem with various tools and libraries and how they integrate with Hadoop. In part I we focus on Apache PIG, Python, and Scikit-learn, while in subsequent parts, we will explore and examine other alternatives such as R or Spark/ML-Lib

With the IPython notebook, this becomes a great example of how to provide potential users hands-on experience with a technology.

An example that Solr, for example, might well want to imitate.

PS: When I was traveling, a simpler way to predict flight delays was to just ping me for my travels plans. 😉 You?

November 22, 2014

Open-sourcing tools for Hadoop

Filed under: Hadoop,Impala,Machine Learning,Parquet,Scalding — Patrick Durusau @ 4:48 pm

Open-sourcing tools for Hadoop by Colin Marc.

From the post:

Stripe’s batch data infrastructure is built largely on top of Apache Hadoop. We use these systems for everything from fraud modeling to business analytics, and we’re open-sourcing a few pieces today:


Timberlake is a dashboard that gives you insight into the Hadoop jobs running on your cluster. Jeff built it as a replacement for YARN’s ResourceManager and MRv2’s JobHistory server, and it has some features we’ve found useful:

  • Map and reduce task waterfalls and timing plots
  • Scalding and Cascading awareness
  • Error tracebacks for failed jobs


Avi wrote a Scala framework for distributed learning of ensemble decision tree models called Brushfire. It’s inspired by Google’s PLANET, but built on Hadoop and Scalding. Designed to be highly generic, Brushfire can build and validate random forests and similar models from very large amounts of training data.


Sequins is a static database for serving data in Hadoop’s SequenceFile format. I wrote it to provide low-latency access to key/value aggregates generated by Hadoop. For example, we use it to give our API access to historical fraud modeling features, without adding an online dependency on HDFS.


At Stripe, we use Parquet extensively, especially in tandem with Cloudera Impala. Danielle, Jeff, and Avi wrote Herringbone (a collection of small command-line utilities) to make working with Parquet and Impala easier.

More open source tools for your Hadoop installation!

I am considering creating a list of closed source tools for Hadoop. It would be shorter and easier to maintain than a list of open source tools for Hadoop. 😉

November 19, 2014

Carnegie Mellon Machine Learning Dissertations

Filed under: Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 5:05 pm

Carnegie Mellon Machine Learning Dissertations

Forty-nine (49) dissertations on machine learning from Carnegie Mellon as of today.

Cold weather is setting in (in the Northern Hemisphere) so take it as additional reading material.

November 10, 2014

SVM – Understanding the math

Filed under: Machine Learning,Mathematics,Support Vector Machines — Patrick Durusau @ 4:13 pm

SVM – Understanding the math – Part 1 by Alexandre Kowalczy. (Part 2)

The first two tutorials of a series on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and their use in data analysis.

If you shudder when you read:

The objective of a support vector machine is to find the optimal separating hyperplane which maximizes the margin of the training data.

you won’t after reading these tutorials. Well written and illustrated.

If you think about it, math symbolism is like programming. It is a very precise language written with a great deal of economy. Which makes it hard to understand for the uninitiated. The underlying ideas, however, can be extracted and explained. That is what you find here.

Want to improve your understanding of what appears on the drop down menu as SVM? This is a great place to start!

PS: A third tutorial is due out soon

October 15, 2014

5 Machine Learning Areas You Should Be Cultivating

Filed under: Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 11:01 am

5 Machine Learning Areas You Should Be Cultivating by Jason Brownlee.

From the post:

You want to learn machine learning to have more opportunities at work or to get a job. You may already be working as a data scientist or machine learning engineer and looking to improve your skills.

It is about as easy to pigeonhole machine learning skills as it is programming skills (you can’t).

There is a wide array of tasks that require some skill in data mining and machine learning in business from data analysis type work to full systems architecture and integration.

Nevertheless there are common tasks and common skills that you will want to develop, just like you could suggest for an aspiring software developer.

In this post we will look at 5 key areas were you might want to develop skills and the types of activities that you could take on to practice in those areas.

Jason has a number of useful suggestions for the five areas and you will profit from taking his advice.

At the same time, I would be keeping a notebooks of assumptions or exploits that are possible with every technique or process that you learn. Results and data will be presented to you as though the results and data are both clean. It is your responsibility to test that presentation.

October 10, 2014

Visualizing MNIST: An Exploration of Dimensionality Reduction

Filed under: Dimension Reduction,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 7:00 pm

Visualizing MNIST: An Exploration of Dimensionality Reduction by Christopher Olah.

From the post:

At some fundamental level, no one understands machine learning.

It isn’t a matter of things being too complicated. Almost everything we do is fundamentally very simple. Unfortunately, an innate human handicap interferes with us understanding these simple things.

Humans evolved to reason fluidly about two and three dimensions. With some effort, we may think in four dimensions. Machine learning often demands we work with thousands of dimensions – or tens of thousands, or millions! Even very simple things become hard to understand when you do them in very high numbers of dimensions.

Reasoning directly about these high dimensional spaces is just short of hopeless.

As is often the case when humans can’t directly do something, we’ve built tools to help us. There is an entire, well-developed field, called dimensionality reduction, which explores techniques for translating high-dimensional data into lower dimensional data. Much work has also been done on the closely related subject of visualizing high dimensional data.

These techniques are the basic building blocks we will need if we wish to visualize machine learning, and deep learning specifically. My hope is that, through visualization and observing more directly what is actually happening, we can understand neural networks in a much deeper and more direct way.

And so, the first thing on our agenda is to familiarize ourselves with dimensionality reduction. To do that, we’re going to need a dataset to test these techniques on.

Extremely useful illustration of dimensional reduction, exploring “recognition” of hand written digits.

I agree that “Reasoning directly about these high dimensional spaces is just short of hopeless.” However, unlike our machines, humans don’t need high dimensional spaces in order to recognize hand written digits. 😉

I first saw this in a tweet by Christophe Lalanne.

October 1, 2014

The Missing Piece in Complex Analytics: Low Latency, Scalable Model Management and Serving with Velox

Filed under: HPC,Interface Research/Design,Machine Learning,Modeling,Velox — Patrick Durusau @ 8:25 pm

The Missing Piece in Complex Analytics: Low Latency, Scalable Model Management and Serving with Velox by Daniel Crankshaw, et al.


To support complex data-intensive applications such as personalized recommendations, targeted advertising, and intelligent services, the data management community has focused heavily on the design of systems to support training complex models on large datasets. Unfortunately, the design of these systems largely ignores a critical component of the overall analytics process: the deployment and serving of models at scale. In this work, we present Velox, a new component of the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack. Velox is a data management system for facilitating the next steps in real-world, large-scale analytics pipelines: online model management, maintenance, and serving. Velox provides end-user applications and services with a low-latency, intuitive interface to models, transforming the raw statistical models currently trained using existing offline large-scale compute frameworks into full-blown, end-to-end data products capable of recommending products, targeting advertisements, and personalizing web content. To provide up-to-date results for these complex models, Velox also facilitates lightweight online model maintenance and selection (i.e., dynamic weighting). In this paper, we describe the challenges and architectural considerations required to achieve this functionality, including the abilities to span online and offline systems, to adaptively adjust model materialization strategies, and to exploit inherent statistical properties such as model error tolerance, all while operating at “Big Data” scale.

Early Warning: Alpha code drop expected December 2014.

If you want to get ahead of the curve I suggest you start reading this paper soon. Very soon.

Written from the perspective of end-user facing applications but applicable to author-facing applications for real time interaction with subject identification.

September 30, 2014

Open Sourcing ml-ease

Filed under: Hadoop,Machine Learning,Spark — Patrick Durusau @ 6:25 pm

Open Sourcing ml-ease by Deepak Agarwal.

From the post:

LinkedIn data science and engineering is happy to release the first version of ml-ease, an open-source large scale machine learning library. ml-ease supports model fitting/training on a single machine, a Hadoop cluster and a Spark cluster with emphasis on scalability, speed, and ease-of-use. ml-ease is a useful tool for developers working on big data machine learning applications, and we’re looking forward to feedback from the open-source community. ml-ease currently supports ADMM logistic regression for binary response prediction with L1 and L2 regularization on Hadoop clusters.

See Deepak’s post for more details and news of future machine learning algorithms to be released!

September 28, 2014

Machine Learning Is Way Easier Than It Looks

Filed under: Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 9:54 am

Machine Learning Is Way Easier Than It Looks by Ben McRedmond.

From the post:

It’s easy to believe that machine learning is hard. An arcane craft known only to a select few academics.

After all, you’re teaching machines that work in ones and zeros to reach their own conclusions about the world. You’re teaching them how to think! However, it’s not nearly as hard as the complex and formula-laden literature would have you believe.

Like all of the best frameworks we have for understanding our world, e.g. Newton’s Laws of Motion, Jobs to be Done, Supply & Demand — the best ideas and concepts in machine learning are simple. The majority of literature on machine learning, however, is riddled with complex notation, formulae and superfluous language. It puts walls up around fundamentally simple ideas.

Let’s take a practical example. Say we wanted to include a “you might also like” section at the bottom of this post. How would we go about that? (emphasis in the original)

Yes, Ben uses a simple example. Yes, Ruby isn’t an appropriate language for machine learning. Yes, there are far more complex techniques in common use for machine learning. Just to cover a few of the comments made in response to Ben’s post.

However, Ben does illustrate that it is possible to clearly communicate the essential principles in a machine learning example. And to provide simple code that implements those principles.

That does not take anything away from more complex techniques or more complex code to implement any machine learning approach.

If you are writing about machine learning in professional literature, don’t use this approach as “clarity” there has a different meaning than when writing for non-specialists.

On the other hand, when writing for non-specialists, do use Ben’s approach as “clarity” there isn’t the same as in professional literature.

Neither one is more right or correct than the other, but are addressed to different audiences.

Ben’s style of explanation is one that is worthy of emulation, at least in non-professional literature.

I first saw this in a tweet by Carl Anderson.

September 24, 2014

ML Pipelines

Filed under: Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 7:48 pm

ML Pipelines

From the post:

Recently at the AMP Lab, we’ve been focused on building application frameworks on top of the BDAS stack. Projects like GraphX, MLlib/MLI, Shark, and BlinkDB have leveraged the lower layers of the stack to provide interactive analytics at unprecedented scale across a variety of application domains. One of the projects that we have focused on over the last several months we have been calling “ML Pipelines”, an extension of our earlier work on MLlib and is a component of MLbase.

In real-world applications – both academic and industrial – use of a machine learning algorithm is only one component of a predictive analytic workflow. Pre-processing steps and considerations about production deployment must also be taken into account. For example, in text classification, preprocessing steps like n-gram extraction, and TF-IDF feature weighting are often necessary before training of a classification model like an SVM. When it comes time to deploy the model, your system must not only know the SVM weights to apply to input features, but also how to get your raw data into the same format that the model is trained on.

The simple example above is typical of a task like text categorization, but let’s take a look at a typical pipeline for image classification:


This more complicated pipeline, inspired by this paper, is representative of what is done commonly done in practice. More examples can be found in this paper. The pipeline consists of several components. First, relevant features are identified after whitening via K-means. Next, featurization of the input images happens via convolution, rectification, and summarization via pooling. Then, the data is in a format ready to be used by a machine learning algorithm – in this case a simple (but extremely fast) linear solver. Finally, we can apply the model to held-out data to evaluate its effectiveness.

Inspirational isn’t it?

Certainly a project to watch for machine learning in particular but also for data processing pipelines in general.

I first saw this in a tweet by Peter Bailis.

In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos

Filed under: Machine Learning,R — Patrick Durusau @ 9:39 am

In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos by Kevin Markham.

From the post:

In January 2014, Stanford University professors Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (authors of the legendary Elements of Statistical Learning textbook) taught an online course based on their newest textbook, An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (ISLR). I found it to be an excellent course in statistical learning (also known as “machine learning”), largely due to the high quality of both the textbook and the video lectures. And as an R user, it was extremely helpful that they included R code to demonstrate most of the techniques described in the book.

If you are new to machine learning (and even if you are not an R user), I highly recommend reading ISLR from cover-to-cover to gain both a theoretical and practical understanding of many important methods for regression and classification. It is available as a free PDF download from the authors’ website.

Kevin provides links to the slides for each chapter and the videos with timings, so you can fit them in as time allows.


I first saw this in a tweet by Christophe Lalanne.

September 18, 2014

Common Sense and Statistics

Filed under: Machine Learning,Statistical Learning,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 7:02 pm

Common Sense and Statistics by John D. Cook.

From the post:

…, common sense is vitally important in statistics. Attempts to minimize the need for common sense can lead to nonsense. You need common sense to formulate a statistical model and to interpret inferences from that model. Statistics is a layer of exact calculation sandwiched between necessarily subjective formulation and interpretation. Even though common sense can go badly wrong with probability, it can also do quite well in some contexts. Common sense is necessary to map probability theory to applications and to evaluate how well that map works.

No matter how technical or complex analysis may appear, do not hesitate to ask for explanations if the data or results seem “off” to you. I witnessed a presentation several years ago when the manual for a statistics package was cited for the proposition that a result was significant.

I know you have never encountered that situation but you may know others who have.

Never fear asking questions about methods or results. Your colleagues are wondering the same things but are too afraid of appearing ignorant to ask questions.

Ignorance is curable. Willful ignorance is not.

If you aren’t already following John D. Cook, you should.

September 17, 2014

International Conference on Machine Learning 2014 Videos!

Filed under: Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 9:48 am

International Conference on Machine Learning 2014 Videos!

You may recall my post on the ICML 2014 papers.

Speaking just for myself, I would prefer a resource with both the videos and relevant papers listed together.

Do you know of such a resource?

If not, when time permits I may conjure one up.

As with disclosed semantic mappings, it is more efficient if one person creates a mapping that is reused by many. As opposed to many separate and partial repetitions of the same mapping.

You may remember that one mapping, many reuses, is a central principal to indexes, library catalogs, filing systems, case citations, etc.

I first saw this in a tweet by EyeWire.

September 10, 2014

Recursive Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing And Computer Vision

Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing — Patrick Durusau @ 5:28 am

Recursive Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing And Computer Vision by Richard Socher.

From the abstract:

As the amount of unstructured text data that humanity produces overall and on the Internet grows, so does the need to intelligently process it and extract diff erent types of knowledge from it. My research goal in this thesis is to develop learning models that can automatically induce representations of human language, in particular its structure and meaning in order to solve multiple higher level language tasks.

There has been great progress in delivering technologies in natural language processing such as extracting information, sentiment analysis or grammatical analysis. However, solutions are often based on diff erent machine learning models. My goal is the development of general and scalable algorithms that can jointly solve such tasks and learn the necessary intermediate representations of the linguistic units involved. Furthermore, most standard approaches make strong simplifying language assumptions and require well designed feature representations. The models in this thesis address these two shortcomings. They provide eff ective and general representations for sentences without assuming word order independence. Furthermore, they provide state of the art performance with no, or few manually designed features.

The new model family introduced in this thesis is summarized under the term Recursive Deep Learning. The models in this family are variations and extensions of unsupervised and supervised recursive neural networks (RNNs) which generalize deep and feature learning ideas to hierarchical structures. The RNN models of this thesis obtain state of the art performance on paraphrase detection, sentiment analysis, relation classifi cation, parsing, image-sentence mapping and knowledge base completion, among other tasks.

Socher’s models offer two significant advances:

  • No assumption of word order independence
  • No or few manually designed features

Of the two, I am more partial to elimination of the assumption of word order independence. I suppose in part because I see that leading to abandoning that assumption that words have some fixed meaning separate and apart from the other words used to define them.

Or in topic maps parlance, identifying a subject always involves the use of other subjects, which are themselves capable of being identified. Think about it. When was the last time you were called upon to identify a person, object or thing and you uttered an IRI? Never right?

That certainly works, at least in closed domains, in some cases, but other than simply repeating the string, you have no basis on which to conclude that is the correct IRI. Nor does anyone else have a basis to accept or reject your IRI.

I suppose that is another one of those “simplifying” assumptions. Useful in some cases but not all.

August 26, 2014

Biscriptal juxtaposition in Chinese

Filed under: Chinese,Language,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 6:36 pm

Biscriptal juxtaposition in Chinese by Victor Mair.

From the post:

We have often seen how the Roman alphabet is creeping into Chinese writing, both for expressing English words and morphemes that have been borrowed into Chinese, but also increasingly for writing Mandarin and other varieties of Chinese in Pinyin (spelling). Here are just a few earlier Language Log posts dealing with this phenomenon:

“A New Morpheme in Mandarin” (4/26/11)

“Zhao C: a Man Who Lost His Name” (2/27/09)

“Creeping Romanization in Chinese” (8/30/12)

Now an even more intricate application of alphabetic usage is developing in internet writing, namely, the juxtaposition and intertwining of simultaneous phrases with contrasting meaning.

Highly entertaining post on the complexities of evolving language usage.

The sort of usage that hasn’t made it into a dictionary, yet, but still needs to be captured and shared.

Sam Hunting brought this to my attention.

August 20, 2014

Math for machine learning

Filed under: Algebra,Machine Learning,Mathematics — Patrick Durusau @ 7:36 pm

Math for machine learning by Zygmunt Zając.

From the post:

Sometimes people ask what math they need for machine learning. The answer depends on what you want to do, but in short our opinion is that it is good to have some familiarity with linear algebra and multivariate differentiation.

Linear algebra is a cornerstone because everything in machine learning is a vector or a matrix. Dot products, distance, matrix factorization, eigenvalues etc. come up all the time.

Differentiation matters because of gradient descent. Again, gradient descent is almost everywhere*. It found its way even into the tree domain in the form of gradient boosting – a gradient descent in function space.

We file probability under statistics and that’s why we don’t mention it here.

Following this introduction you will find a series of books, MOOCs, etc. on linear algebra, calculus and other math resources.

Pass it along!

Deep Learning (MIT Press Book)

Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 2:12 pm

Deep Learning (MIT Press Book) by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow, and Aaron Courville.

From the webpage:

Draft chapters available for feedback – August 2014
Please help us make this a great book! This draft is still full of typos and can be improved in many ways. Your suggestions are more than welcome. Do not hesitate to contact any of the authors directly by e-mail or Google+ messages: Yoshua, Ian, Aaron.

Teaching a subject isn’t the only way to learn it cold. Proofing a book on a subject is another way to learn material cold.

Ready to dig in?

I first saw this in a tweet by Gregory Piatetsky

August 19, 2014

Seeing Things Art Historians Don’t

Filed under: Art,Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 3:33 pm

When A Machine Learning Algorithm Studied Fine Art Paintings, It Saw Things Art Historians Had Never Noticed: Artificial intelligence reveals previously unrecognised influences between great artists

From the post:

The task of classifying pieces of fine art is hugely complex. When examining a painting, an art expert can usually determine its style, its genre, the artist and the period to which it belongs. Art historians often go further by looking for the influences and connections between artists, a task that is even trickier.

So the possibility that a computer might be able to classify paintings and find connections between them at first glance seems laughable. And yet, that is exactly what Babak Saleh and pals have done at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

These guys have used some of the latest image processing and classifying techniques to automate the process of discovering how great artists have influenced each other. They have even been able to uncover influences between artists that art historians have never recognised until now.

At first I thought the claim was that computer saw something art historians did not. That’s not hard. The question is whether you can convince anyone else to see what you saw. 😉

I stumbled a bit on figure 1 both in the post and in the paper. The caption for figure 1 in the article says:

Figure 1: An example of an often cited comparison in the context of influence. Left: Diego Vel´azquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X (1650), and, Right: Francis Bacon’s Study After Vel´azquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X (1953). Similar composition, pose, and subject matter but a different view of the work.

Well, not exactly. Bacon never saw the original Portrait of Pope Innocent X but produced over forty-five variants of it. It wasn’t a question of “influence” but of subsequent interpretations of the portrait. Not really the same thing as influence. See: Study after Velázquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X

I feel certain this will be a useful technique for exploration but naming objects in a painting would result in a large number of painting of popes sitting in chairs. Some of which may or may not have been “influences” in subsequent artists.

Or to put it another way, concluding influence, based on when artists lived, is a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. Good technique to find possible places to look but not a definitive answer.

The original post was based on: Toward Automated Discovery of Artistic Influence


Considering the huge amount of art pieces that exist, there is valuable information to be discovered. Examining a painting, an expert can determine its style, genre, and the time period that the painting belongs. One important task for art historians is to find influences and connections between artists. Is influence a task that a computer can measure? The contribution of this paper is in exploring the problem of computer-automated suggestion of influences between artists, a problem that was not addressed before in a general setting. We first present a comparative study of different classification methodologies for the task of fine-art style classification. A two-level comparative study is performed for this classification problem. The first level reviews the performance of discriminative vs. generative models, while the second level touches the features aspect of the paintings and compares semantic-level features vs. low-level and intermediate-level features present in the painting. Then, we investigate the question “Who influenced this artist?” by looking at his masterpieces and comparing them to others. We pose this interesting question as a knowledge discovery problem. For this purpose, we investigated several painting-similarity and artist-similarity measures. As a result, we provide a visualization of artists (Map of Artists) based on the similarity between their works

I first saw this in a tweet by yarapavan.

Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)

Filed under: Deep Learning,Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing — Patrick Durusau @ 2:47 pm

Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic) by Richard Socher and Christopher Manning.


Machine learning is everywhere in today’s NLP, but by and large machine learning amounts to numerical optimization of weights for human designed representations and features. The goal of deep learning is to explore how computers can take advantage of data to develop features and representations appropriate for complex interpretation tasks. This tutorial aims to cover the basic motivation, ideas, models and learning algorithms in deep learning for natural language processing. Recently, these methods have been shown to perform very well on various NLP tasks such as language modeling, POS tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and paraphrase detection, among others. The most attractive quality of these techniques is that they can perform well without any external hand-designed resources or time-intensive feature engineering. Despite these advantages, many researchers in NLP are not familiar with these methods. Our focus is on insight and understanding, using graphical illustrations and simple, intuitive derivations. The goal of the tutorial is to make the inner workings of these techniques transparent, intuitive and their results interpretable, rather than black boxes labeled “magic here”. The first part of the tutorial presents the basics of neural networks, neural word vectors, several simple models based on local windows and the math and algorithms of training via backpropagation. In this section applications include language modeling and POS tagging. In the second section we present recursive neural networks which can learn structured tree outputs as well as vector representations for phrases and sentences. We cover both equations as well as applications. We show how training can be achieved by a modified version of the backpropagation algorithm introduced before. These modifications allow the algorithm to work on tree structures. Applications include sentiment analysis and paraphrase detection. We also draw connections to recent work in semantic compositionality in vector spaces. The principle goal, again, is to make these methods appear intuitive and interpretable rather than mathematically confusing. By this point in the tutorial, the audience members should have a clear understanding of how to build a deep learning system for word-, sentence- and document-level tasks. The last part of the tutorial gives a general overview of the different applications of deep learning in NLP, including bag of words models. We will provide a discussion of NLP-oriented issues in modeling, interpretation, representational power, and optimization.

A tutorial on deep learning from NAACL 2013, Atlanta. The webpage offers links to the slides (205), video of the tutorial, and additional resources.

Definitely a place to take a dive into deep learning.

On page 35 of the slides the following caught my eye:

The vast majority of rule-based and statistical NLP work regards words as atomic symbols: hotel, conference, walk.

In vector space terms, this is a vector with one 1 and a lot of zeroes.


Dimensionality: 20K (speech) – 50K (PTB) – 500K (big vocab) – 13M (Google 1T)

We call this a “one-hot” representation. Its problem:

motel [000000000010000] AND
hotel [000000010000000] = 0

Another aspect of topic maps comes to the fore!

You can have “one-hot” representations of subjects in a topic map, that is a single identifier, but that’s not required.

You can have multiple “one-hot” representations for a subject or you can have more complex collections of properties that represent a subject. Depends on your requirements, not a default of the technology.

If “one-hot” representations of subjects are insufficient for deep learning, shouldn’t they be insufficient for humans as well?

August 15, 2014

our new robo-reader overlords

Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 6:18 pm

our new robo-reader overlords by Alan Jacobs.

After you read this post by Jacobs, be sure to spend time with Flunk the robo-graders by Les Perelman (quoted by Jacobs).

Both raise the issue of what sort of writing can be taught by algorithms that have no understanding of writing?

In a very real sense, the outcome can only be writing that meets but does not exceed what has been programmed into an algorithm.

That is frightening enough for education, but if you are relying on AI or machine learning for intelligence analysis, your stakes may be far higher.

To be sure, software can recognize “send the atomic bomb triggers by Federal Express to this address….,” or at least I hope that is within the range of current software. But what if the message is: “The destroyer of worlds will arrive next week.” Alert? Yes/No? What if it was written in Sanskrit?

I think computers, along with AI and machine learning can be valuable tools, but not if they are setting the standard for review. At least if you don’t want to dumb down writing and national security intelligence to the level of an algorithm.

I first saw this in a tweet by James Schirmer.

August 8, 2014


Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,Data Mining,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 6:45 pm


From the webpage:

The ContentMine uses machines to liberate 100,000,000 facts from the scientific literature.

We believe that Content Mining has huge potential to make knowledge available to everyone (including machines). This can enable new and exciting research, technology developments such as in Artificial Intelligence, and opportunities for wealth creation.

Manual content-mining has been routine for 150 years, but many publishers feel threatened by machine-content-mining. It’s certainly disruptive technology but we argue that if embraced wholeheartedly it will take science forward massively and create completely new opportunities. Nevertheless many mainstream publishers have actively campaigned against it.

Although content mining can be done without breaking current laws, the borderline between legal and illegal is usually unclear. So we campaign for reform, and we work on the basis that anything that is legal for a human should also be legal for a machine.

* The right to read is the right to mine *

Well, when I went to see what facts had been discovered:

We don’t have any facts yet – there should be some here very soon!

Well, at least now you have the URL and the pitch. Curious when facts are going to start to appear?

I’m not entirely comfortable with the term “facts” because it is usually used to put some particular “fact” off-limits from discussion or debate. “It’s a fact that ….” (you fill in the blank) To disagree with such a statement makes the questioner appear stupid, obstinate or even rude.

Which is, of course, the purpose of any statement “It’s a fact that….” It is intended to end debate on that “fact” and to exclude anyone who continues to disagree.

While we wait for “facts” to appear at ContentMine, research the history of claims of various “facts” in history. You can start with some “facts” about beavers.

August 5, 2014

Deep Learning in Java

Filed under: Deep Learning,Feature Learning,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 6:03 pm

Deep Learning in Java by Ryan Swanstrom.

From the post:

Deep Learning is the hottest topic in all of data science right now. Adam Gibson, cofounder of, has created an open source deep learning library for Java named DeepLearning4j. For those curious, DeepLearning4j is open sourced on github.

Ryan has some other deep learning goodies at his post so don’t skip directly to DeepLearning4j. 😉

Like all machine learning techniques, the more you know about it the easier it will be to ask uncomfortable questions when someone over plays their results.

It’s a useful technique but it is also useful to be an intelligent consumer of its results.

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