Tutorial: Introduction to creating mashups using IBM Mashup Center 3.0
Since I am attending the One Mashup to Rule Them All webinar this week (20th of April, 2011), I thought I would look at some other mashup solutions.
The tutorial appears to be complete and a good introduction to the IBM Mashup Center 3.0 tool.
I am particularly interested in Module H: Publishing and sharing your mashup.
In the lesson you:
In the Tags field, type customer, tutorial, and sales. Tagging helps ensure that others will be able to find your mashup when using these keywords in searches.
Correction: The last sentence should read:
In the Tags field, type customer, tutorial, and sales. Tagging helps ensure that others will be able to find your mashup when using only these keywords in searches.
That’s the mashup problem in nutshell isn’t it?
You are limited to the imagination of the mashup author in creating keywords for finding the mashup.
I may happen to use the same keywords but we all know that is a hit or miss proposition.
IBM should use its experience with Watson to supplement keyword lists to insert likely alternatives.
And the conditions when those alternatives are likely to be seen. (Dare we say properties of a subject?)