— Europe’s public data
Noticed this in the Open Data Challenge materials and thought it merited a separate entry.
Deserves a visit, if for no other reason than the home page that lists “Places” as: United Kingdom, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and, International.
Where “International” includes the United States, Australia, Afghanistan, and oh, yes, the rest of Europe.
The first fourteen entries from International will give you an idea of the range of the data sets:
* German federal budget (OffenerHaushalt)
* 2000 U.S. Census in RDF (
* 32000 Naples Florida Businesses in KML format
* Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE-87)
* AcaWiki
* Acupuncture & Moxibustion in London
* Asian Development Bank (ADB) – Statistical Database System (SDBS)
* Addgene
* Adopt a Roadside (Victoria, Australia)
* Advances in Dental Research
* Aegean Archaeomalacology
* Afghanistan Election Data
* Agricultural and forestry exports from New Zealand