Enterprise level search capabilities based entirely upon Apache Solr/Lucene software.
I had to register to download the installer. Will be installing it later this week/next. Expect posts on how that does.
Was annoying that I had to provide my phone number as part of the registration.
It isn’t like I will forget how to contact them should I encounter a need for their services.
Nor am I likely to be receptive to pesky calls/emails, have you tried our software yet?
I actually have a life separate and apart from the various software packages that I use/evaluate so I tend to work at my schedule.
Two aspects of interest:
First, simply using this as an appliance for indexing/searching in the usual way.
Second, how difficult would it be to leverage that indexing/searching across Lucid installations?
That is two separate and distinct enterprises have used Lucid to index/search mission critical materials that now require merging.
Do we toss the time and experience that went into the separate indexes and build anew? Or can we leverage that investment?