Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 30, 2019

ARM Assembly Basics

Filed under: ARM,Assembly,Cybersecurity,Hacking,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 8:51 pm

ARM Assembly Basics by Azeria.

Why ARM?:

This tutorial is generally for people who want to learn the basics of ARM assembly. Especially for those of you who are interested in exploit writing on the ARM platform. You might have already noticed that ARM processors are everywhere around you. When I look around me, I can count far more devices that feature an ARM processor in my house than Intel processors. This includes phones, routers, and not to forget the IoT devices that seem to explode in sales these days. That said, the ARM processor has become one of the most widespread CPU cores in the world. Which brings us to the fact that like PCs, IoT devices are susceptible to improper input validation abuse such as buffer overflows. Given the widespread usage of ARM based devices and the potential for misuse, attacks on these devices have become much more common.
Yet, we have more experts specialized in x86 security research than we have for ARM, although ARM assembly language is perhaps the easiest assembly language in widespread use. So, why aren’t more people focusing on ARM? Perhaps because there are more learning resources out there covering exploitation on Intel than there are for ARM. Just think about the great tutorials on Intel x86 Exploit writing by Fuzzy Security or the Corelan Team – Guidelines like these help people interested in this specific area to get practical knowledge and the inspiration to learn beyond what is covered in those tutorials. If you are interested in x86 exploit writing, the Corelan and Fuzzysec tutorials are your perfect starting point. In this tutorial series here, we will focus on assembly basics and exploit writing on ARM.

Written in the best tradition of sharing technical knowledge and skill, this is your ticket to over 100 billion ARM powered devices. Not all of them of interest and/or vulnerable, but out of 100 billion (higher now) you will be kept busy.


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