Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 4, 2019

Crypto-Cash for Crypto-Cache : The Dark Overlord

Filed under: Government,Government Data,Hacking,Intelligence — Patrick Durusau @ 8:24 pm
Crypto-Cash for Crypto-Cache

This is the thedarkoverlord here to deliver a message.

Our Official Bitcoin Wallet Address: 192ZobzfZxAkacLGmg9oY4M9y8MVTPxh7U

As the world is aware, we released our first decryption key for the ‘Preview_Documents.container’ Veracrypt container that contained a small sample of documents to continue to verify the authenticity of our claims. The decryption key for this container is: *CZ4=I{YZ456zGecgg9/cCz|zNP5bZ,nCvJqDZKrq@v?O5V$FezCNs26CD;e:%N^

There’s five layers to go. Layer 1, 2, 3, 4, and fine finally Layer 5. Each layer contains more secrets, more damaging materials, more SSI, more SCI, more government investigation materials, and generally just more truth. Consider our motivations (money, specifically Bitcoin), we’re not inclined to leak the juiciest items until we’re paid in full. However, in the interest of public awareness and transparency, we’re officially announcing our tiered compensation plan. …

This press release is reviewed at: Hacker group releases ‘9/11 Papers’, says future leaks will ‘burn down’ US deep state.

Nothing explosive in the initial documents but you have to wonder why they were scrubbed from Reddit, Pastebin, and Twitter, “immediately.”

I don’t see any ethical issue with The Dark Overlord charging for these documents. We are held hostage by utility, cable, ISP, mortgage and other hostiles. It’s a proven money-making model so why the tension over it being used here?

For further details, see the press release by The Dark Overlord. Please consider contributing to fund the release of these documents.

P.S. I rather doubt any document or report is going to bring down the “deep state.” Remember that it employs hundreds of thousands of people and numerous contractors and vendors. Shutting it down would cripple local economies in a number of places. It likely exists because it is needed to exist.

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