We have never met or communicated but I wanted to congratulate you on the hack of top NRCC officials in 2018. Good show!
I’m sure you remember the drip-drip-drip release technique used by Wikileads with the Clinton emails. I had to check the dates but the first batch was in early October 2016, before the presidential election in November 2016.
The weekly release cycle, with the prior publicity concerning the leak, kept both alternative and mainstream media on the edge of climaxing every week. Even though the emails themselves were mostly office gossip and pettiness found in any office email system.
The most obvious target event for weekly drops of the NRCC emails is the 2020 election but that is subject to change.
Please consider the Wikileaks partial release tactic, which transformed office gossip into front-page news, when you select a target event for releasing the NRCC emails.
Your public service in damaging the NRCC will go unrewarded but not unappreciated. Once again, good show!