From the Hello World post:
We are excited to launch the Stanford AI Lab (SAIL) Blog, where we hope to share our research, high-level discussions on AI and machine learning, and updates with the general public. SAIL has 18 faculty and 16 affiliated faculty, with hundreds of students working in diverse fields that span natural language processing, robotics, computer vision, bioinformatics, and more. Our vision is to make that work accessible to an audience beyond the academic and technical community.
Whether you are a White, Black, Grey, or Customer, hat, start watching the Stanford AI Lab (SAIL) Blog.
Like a Customer hat, AI (artificial intelligence) knows no preset side, only its purpose as set by others.
If that sounds harsh, remember that it has been preset sides that force otherwise decent people (in some cases) to support the starvation of millions in Yemen or the murder of children in Palestine.
Or to say it differently, laws are only advisory opinions on the morality of any given act.