Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 10, 2018

PyCoder’s Weekly Archive 2012-2018 [Indexing Data Set?]

Filed under: Indexing,Python,Search Engines,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 8:53 pm

PyCoder’s Weekly Archive 2012-2018

Python programmers already know about PyCoder Weekly but if you don’t, it’s a weekly newsletter with headline Python news, discussions, Python jobs, articles & tutorials, projects & code, and events. Yeah, every week!

I mention it too as a potential indexing set for search software. I’m reasoning you are more likely to devote effort to indexing material of interest than out of copyright newspapers. Besides, you will be better able to judge a good search result from a bad one when indexing PyCoder’s Weekly.


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