Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 1, 2018

…R Clients for Web APIs

Filed under: Data Mining,R,Web Applications — Patrick Durusau @ 3:35 pm

Harnessing the Power of the Web via R Clients for Web APIs by Lucy D’Agostino McGowan.


We often want to harness the power of the internet in our daily data practices, i.e., collect data from the internet, share data on the internet, let a dataset evolve on the internet and analyze it periodically, put products up on the internet, etc. While many of these goals can be achieved in a browser via mouse clicks, these practices aren’t very reproducible and they don’t scale, as they are difficult to capture and replicate. Most of what can be done in a browser can also be implemented with code. Web application programing interfaces (APIs) are one tool for facilitating this communication in a reproducible and scriptable way. In this talk we will discuss the general framework of common R clients for web APIs, as well as dive into specific examples. We will focus primarily on the googledrive package, a package that allows the user to control their Google Drive from the comfort of their R console, as well as other common R clients for web APIs, while discussing best practices for efficient and reproducible coding.

The ability to document and replicate acquisition of data is a “best practice,” until you have acquired data you prefer to not be attributed to you. 😉

For cases where the “best practice” obtains, consult McGowan’s slides.

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