Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 9, 2018

Fear Keeps People in Line (And Ignorant of Apple Source Code)

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Hacking,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 11:05 am

Apple’s top-secret iBoot firmware source code spills onto GitHub for some insane reason by Chris Williams.

From the post:

The confidential source code to Apple’s iBoot firmware in iPhones, iPads and other iOS devices has leaked into a public GitHub repo.

The closed-source code is top-secret, proprietary, copyright Apple, and yet has been quietly doing the rounds between security researchers and device jailbreakers on Reddit for four or so months, if not longer.

We’re not going to link to it. Also, downloading it is not recommended. Just remember what happened when people shared or sold copies of the stolen Microsoft Windows 2000 source code back in the day.

Notice that Williams cites scary language about the prior Windows source code but not a single example of an actual prosecution for downloading or sharing that source code. I have strong suspicions why no examples were cited.*


The other thing to notice is “security researchers” have been sharing it for months, but if the great unwashed public gets to see it, well, that’s a five alarm fire.

Williams has sided with access only for the privileged, although I would be hard pressed to say why?

BTW, if you want to search Github for source code that claims to originate from Apple, use the search term iBoot.

No direct link because in the DCMA cat and mouse game, any link will be quickly broken and I have no way to verify whether a repository is or isn’t Apple source code.

Don’t let fear keep you ignorant.

*My suspicions are that anyone reading Microsoft Windows 2000 source code became a poorer programmer and that was viewed as penalty enough.

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