New Draft Morphological Tags for MorphGNT by James Tauber.
From the post:
At least going back to my initial collaboration with Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen in 2005, I’ve been thinking about how I would do morphological tags in MorphGNT if I were starting from scratch.
Much later, in 2014, I had some discussions with Mike Aubrey at my first SBL conference and put together a straw proposal. There was a rethinking of some parts-of-speech, handling of tense/aspect, handling of voice, handling of syncretism and underspecification.
Even though some of the ideas were more drastic than others, a few things have remained consistent in my thinking:
- there is value in a purely morphological analysis that doesn’t disambiguate on syntactic or semantic grounds
- this analysis does not need the notion of parts-of-speech beyond purely Morphological Parts of Speech
- this analysis should not attempt to distinguish middles and passives in the present or perfect system
As part of the handling of syncretism and underspecification, I had originally suggested a need for a value for the case property that didn’t distinguish nominative and accusative and a need for a value for the gender property like “non-neuter”.
If you are interested in language encoding, Biblical Greek, or morphology, Tauber has a project for you!
Be forewarned that what you tag has a great deal to do with what you can and/or will see. You have been warned.