Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 14, 2011

Technology vs. Teaching?

Filed under: Examples,Marketing,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 11:25 am

The reported experiences with technology at “Data Bootcamp” tutorial at O’Reilly’s Strata Conference 2011, installation and other woes, made me think about technology and teaching for topic maps.

Is it a question of technology vs. teaching?

If technology gets in the way of teaching, does the same happen for users?

I don’t know of any user studies where users are presented with an interface and a list of questions to answer or tasks to perform, in connection with a particular topic maps interface?

Has anyone done such studies?

It would be really good to have a public archive of videos of such sessions (with permission of the participants).

PS: For topic map presentations/workshops, it would be good to record comments so tests of the presentation/workshop could be done in advance.

I have done presentations where the slides were perfectly clear to me when I wrote them. At presentation time I had to temporize to remember what I was trying to say. You can imagine the difficulty the audience was having. 😉

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