Via Alex Popescu Redis: One Page Command References, an alternative to the Redis command page with Redis One Page command listing.
Take a look at both and then come back to this post.
Do you notice anything odd about the command information from Redis? Redis command page
While I appreciate the Time complexity information, that seems like a mis-nomer for most of the information present. The content is mostly an explanation of the command.
One reason I mention it is that I am thinking a topic map of the commands could certainly treat time complexity as a subject and therefore present all commands of a given time complexity. That could be useful in terms of planning a series of commands.
Another subject would be the examples. How many of them are shared and by which commands?
Will have to push it back and forth this week to see what develops.
Interface suggestions? Occurs to me that the traditional Unix man page layout, albeit with enhanced information, such as “example -> occurs in -> here be all the commands where it occurs” could be text/hyperlink bound might be a useful one.
Just enough addition to a traditional interface to make the additional information from a topic map available.
(The traditional topic map interface qualifies for the “an ill-favoured thing sir, but mine own” comment. I think we can and should do better.)