Steve Morgan reprises that old adage in: Teenage hackers beware: Don’t do the cybercrime if you can’t do the jail time.
From the post:
The latest Hack Blotter features a garden variety of cyber perps who’ve been investigated, apprehended, arrested, and/or convicted.
Local U.S. law enforcement agencies are devoting more resources to cybercrime in an effort to prosecute cybercriminals. Atlanta and New York are the latest cities to invest into new cybercrime units and labs.
International authorities are also stepping up arrests and convictions of hackers.
Some teenagers are learning the hard way that cybercrime doesn’t pay. The Hack Blotter features the following children who’ve paid the price for hacking over the past few months:
Scary talk from Morgan but if you followed the link to Hack Blotter you will find:
- forty-six (46) arrests/prosecutions around the world, Oct. – Dec. 2016
- 7 billion, 482 million odd people, current world population
I can’t say those are bad odds. You?
More than improved cybersecurity or cybercops, the principal danger to your freedom is you.
Should you decided to hack, exercise of good operational security (opsec) is no guarantee you won’t get caught but it goes a long way in that direction.