Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 4, 2011

TweetDeck and Topic Maps

Filed under: Authoring Topic Maps,Marketing — Patrick Durusau @ 4:51 am

If you don’t know you need to slide by to take a look.

As an admittedly slow and still uncertain adopter of all this social software, I would appreciate any feedback you have on this or other alternatives.

But, onto the topic map relevant part of this post!

I noticed that TweetDeck 0.37 has a feature: Hide repeated retweets.

I think they should go one better than that and scan tweets for the same shortened URL and to offer an option to display what we would call a topic with multiple occurrences.

That is there would be the one shortend URL, which you could follow if you like, with occurrences under that one tweet that list all the various tweets that contain it.

Would certainly shorten up my tweet windows in TweetDeck a good bit. Most of the repeats aren’t marked as retweets so the software isn’t catching them.

Now, if TweetDeck or equivalent software wanted to be really clever, they could make associations with the senders of those tweets so I could see a list of all the users who sent that resource.

PS: This would be a case where TweetDeck need not offer the generic in your face topic map interface but could offer some of the advantages of topic maps (de-duping content and gathering up all the authors of the same content).

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