Virginia State Police releases cellphone surveillance logs Since May 2015, the VSP have used their DRTbox unit 12 times – 5 of which appeared ineffective by Curtis Waltman.
From the post:
As part of a nationwide FOIA census for cell site simulator surveillance devices, the Virginia State Police responded with new documents detailing their acquisition and use of the DRT 1183C. Made by Digital Receiver Technology of Maryland, the DRT 1183C is a device that is commonly referred to as a DRTbox. It is very similar to other cell site simulators like the Harris Corporation’s Stingray, except that DRTboxes can also intercept voice communication as well as GPS location and other metadata.
Astonishingly unredacted, these documents detail their 2014 purchase, which upgraded their obsolete DRTbox model to the smaller and more powerful 1183C. This cost the VSP $585,265, and came complete with a whole bunch of accessories, including a Chevrolet Suburban outfitted specifically to run the device.
Two questions:
- What features are offered by your home-brew cell site simulator?
- Estimated price (parts + labor)?
When law enforcement, judges, legislators, etc., join ordinary citizens in the smartphone gold fish bowl, effective privacy will be a goal of vendors.