Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 5, 2016

Guccifer 2.0’s October 3rd 2016 Data Drop – Old News? (7 Duplicates out of 2085 files)

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Government,Hillary Clinton,Politics — Patrick Durusau @ 8:25 pm

However amusing the headline ‘Guccifer 2.0’ Is Bullshitting Us About His Alleged Clinton Foundation Hack may be, Lorenzo Fanchschi-Bicchierai offers no factual evidence to support his claim,

… the hacker’s latest alleged feat appears to be a complete lie.

Or should I say that:

  • Clinton Foundation denies it has been hacked
  • The Hill whines about who is a donor where
  • The Daily Caller says, “nothing to see here, move along, move along”

hardly qualifies as anything I would rely on.

Checking the file names is one rough check for duplication.

First, you need a set of the file names for all the releases on Guccifer 2.0’s blog:

Relying on file names alone is iffy as the same “content” can be in files with different names, or different content in files with the same name. But this is a rough cut against thousands of documents, so file names it is.

So you can check my work, I saved a copy of the files listed at the blog in date order: guccifer2.0-File-List-By-Blog-Date.txt..

For combining files for use with uniq, you will need a sorted, uniq version of that file: guccifer2.0-File-List-Blog-Sorted-Uniq-lc-final.txt.

Next, there was a major dump of files under the file name 7dc58-ngp-van.7z, approximately 820 MB of files. (Not listed on the blog but from Guccifer 2.0.)

You can use your favorite tool set or grab a copy of: 7dc58-ngp-van-Sorted-Uniq-lc-final.txt.

You need to combine those file names with those from the blog to get a starting set of names for comparison against the alleged Clinton Foundation hack.

Combining those two file name lists together, sorting them and creating a unique list of file names results in: guccifer2.0-30Sept2016-Sorted-Unique.txt.

Follow the same process for ebd-cf.7z, the file that dropped on the 3rd of October 2016. Or grab: ebd-cf-file-Sorted-Uniq-lc-final.txt.

Next, combine guccifer2.0-30Sept2016-Sorted-Unique.txt (the files we knew about before the 3rd of October) with ebd-cf-file-Sorted-Uniq.txt, and sort those file names, resulting in: guccifer2.0-30Sept2016-plus-ebd-cf-file-Sorted.txt.

The final step is to apply uniq -d to guccifer2.0-30Sept2016-plus-ebd-cf-file-Sorted.txt, which should give you the duplicate files, comparing the files in ebd-cf.7z to those known before September 30, 2016.

The results?

11-26-08 nfc members raised.xlsx

Seven files out of 2085 doesn’t sound like a high degree of duplication.

At least not to me.


PS: On the allegations about the Russians, you could ask the Communists in the State Department or try the Army General Staff. 😉 Some of McCarty’s records are opening up if you need leads.

PPS: Use the final sorted, unique file list to check future releases by Guccifer 2.0. It might help you avoid bullshitting the public.


  1. Interesting!

    The August 12 files are no longer on Guccifer 2.0’s blog. I take it you saved them before they were removed.

    Comment by harley999 — October 5, 2016 @ 9:10 pm

  2. There’s a file called ‘2016 Red to Blue Memo’ that was released on June 18 and again on 4 October. Are you sure your list is accurate?

    Comment by harley999 — October 5, 2016 @ 9:17 pm

  3. Err, that would be one assumption, but not the correct one. 😉

    Files persist despite being “removed” by their hosting services.

    Comment by Patrick Durusau — October 6, 2016 @ 8:15 am

  4. Checking I ran:

    grep 2016-red-to-blue on guccifer2.0-30Sept2016-Sorted-Unique.txt.

    To avoid processing errors by me, I ran:

    7z l ebd-cf.7z | grep -i 2016-red-to-blue

    no match.

    Are you sure about that file being in the Oct. 4 dump?

    Comment by Patrick Durusau — October 6, 2016 @ 8:32 am

  5. Re removed files: Thanks. I’m not a techie.
    Re: Red to Blue: It was in my download. It’s the first time I’ve downloaded any files from G2. I compared what I downloaded with the listings on his blog (but subsequently gave up on the eyeballing method as it was the only one I spotted and not a good method).

    Comment by harley999 — October 6, 2016 @ 5:57 pm

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