WikiLeaks AKP dump contains 80 types of malware by Nicky Cappella.
From the post:
The latest WikiLeaks AKP email contains more than 80 types of malware, an independent researcher has confirmed. The malware includes ransomware and remote-access trojans.
WikiLeaks released emails from the Turkish political party AKP in two parts: one in July, and one on August 5. Anti-virus and malware expert Vesselin Bontchev reviewed the content of those emails and published his findings on his GitHub page. Bontchev listed more than 200 individual emails that contain a link to a confirmed malicious attachment.
His report shows a link to infected emails on the WikiLeaks site, the URL for the malware attachment within the email, and a link to a VirusTotal page, showing the way that different anti-virus scanners are reporting the malware. The URL to the malicious attachment has been made unclickable by substituting ‘hxxxxx’ for ‘https’, as the URL listed is a direct link to the malware and a click would result in an immediate download.
A word to the wise I suppose.
You weren’t going to look at a stolen email archive using OutLook were you?