Elementary Category Theory and Some Insightful Examples (video)
From the description:
Eddie Grutman
New York Haskell Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/NY-Haskell/events/232382379/)
July 27, 2016It turns out that much of Haskell can be understood through a branch of mathematics called Category Theory. Concepts such as Functor, Adjoints, Monads and others all have a basis in the Category Theory. In this talk, basic categorical concepts, starting with categories and building through functors, natural transformations, and universality, will be introduced. To illustrate these, some mathematical concepts such as homology and homotopy, monoids and groups will be discussed as well (proofs omitted).
Kudos to the NYC Haskell User’s Group for posting videos of its presentations.
For those of us unable to attend such meetings, these videos are a great way to remain current.