An analysis of Pokémon Go types, created with R by David Smith.
From the post:
As anyone who has tried Pokémon Go recently is probably aware, Pokémon come in different types. A Pokémon’s type affects where and when it appears, and the types of attacks it is vulnerable to. Some types, like Normal, Water and Grass are common; others, like Fairy and Dragon are rare. Many Pokémon have two or more types.
To get a sense of the distribution of Pokémon types, Joshua Kunst used R to download data from the Pokémon API and created a treemap of all the Pokémon types (and for those with more than 1 type, the secondary type). Johnathon’s original used the 800+ Pokémon from the modern universe, but I used his R code to recreate the map for the 151 original Pokémon used in Pokémon Go.
If you or your dog:
need a break from Pokémon Go, check out this post!
You will get some much needed rest, polish up your R skills and perhaps learn something about the Pokémon API.
The Pokémon Go craze brings to mind the potential for the creation of alternative location-based games. Accessing locations which require steady nerves and social engineering skills. That definitely has potential.
Say a spy-vs-spy character at a location near a “secret” military base? 😉