Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 30, 2016

Curse of Dimensionality Explained

Filed under: Dimension Reduction,Dimensions — Patrick Durusau @ 1:07 pm

Curse of Dimensionality Explained by Nikolay Manchev.

Nikolay uses the following illustration:


And follows with (in part):

The curse of dimensionality – as the number of dimensions increases, the number of regions grows exponentially.

This means we have to use 8’000 observations in three-dimensional space to get the same density as we would get from 20 observations in a one-dimensional space.

This illustrates one of the key effects of the curse of dimensionality – as dimensionality increases the data becomes sparse. We need to gather more observations in order to present the classification algorithm with a good space coverage. If we, however, keep increasing the number of dimensions, the number of required observations quickly goes beyond what we can hope to gather.

See Nikolay’s post for more details but I thought the illustration of sparsity induced by dimensions was worth repeating.

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