Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 27, 2011


Filed under: Software,Web Applications — Patrick Durusau @ 2:01 pm


From the website:

Flapjax is a new programming language designed around the demands of modern, client-based Web applications. Its principal features include:

  • Event-driven, reactive evaluation
  • An event-stream abstraction for communicating with web services
  • Interfaces to external web services

Flapjax is easy to learn: it is just a JavaScript framework. Furthermore, because Flapjax is built entirely atop JavaScript, it runs on traditional Web browsers without the need for plug-ins or other downloads. It integrates seamlessly with existing JavaScript code and other frameworks.

Don’t know if anyone will find this useful but some of the demos looked interesting.

Thought it would be worth mentioning for anyone looking to build client-based topic map applications.

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