RSA Research: 75% of Organizations are at Significant Risk of Cyber Incidents
Highlights from the post:
- For the second straight year, 75% of survey respondents have a significant cybersecurity risk exposure
- Organizations that report more business-impacting security incidents are 65% more likely to have advanced cyber maturity capabilities
- Half of those surveyed assess their incident response capabilities as either “ad hoc” or “nonexistent”
- Less mature Organizations continue to mistakenly implement more perimeter technologies as a stop gap measure to prevent incidents from occurring
- Government and Energy ranked lowest among industries in cyber preparedness
- American entities continue to rank themselves behind both APJ and EMEA in overall cyber maturity
Relying on cybersecurity poverty making others more likely targets, is like increasing the size of a herd of sheep to reduce the odds of a wolf carrying off any particular one.
That works, but is of little consolation to the sheep that is carried off.
Are you depending on other sheep being carried off?