Here is a flowchart designed to prove to the news industry their audiences aren’t idiots:
Apologies, you will have to select the image to see a legible view of it.
The article, A serious problem the news industry does not talk about by Jennifer Barndel, has this section heading:
The culture of journalism breeds disdain for the people we’re meant to be serving, i.e., the audience.
While I recommend this article to journalists, programmers, lawyers, judges, agency heads, etc., could all profit from reading it and substituting their stories and vocabularies into it.
It really isn’t the case that your “audience” is stupid, in the overwhelming majority of the cases they don’t know what you know. Either specific facts or context in which to understand those facts.
Of course I should listen to my own advice when I chide the EU, but I despise provincialism almost as I do willful ignorance. That’s an excuse, not a justification.
Read Jennifer’s post as though it is speaking of your audience/users. It may present opportunities for growth you (and I) have overlooked.