AstroImageJ – ImageJ for Astronomy
From the webpage:
AstroImageJ (AIJ)
- Runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS
- Provides an interactive interface similar to ds9
- Reads and writes FITS images with standard headers
- Allows FITS header viewing and editing
- Plate solves and adds WCS to images seamlessly using the web interface
- Displays astronomical coordinates for images with WCS
- Provides object identification via an embedded SIMBAD interface
- Aligns image sequences using WCS headers or by using apertures to correlate stars
- Image calibration including bias, dark, flat, and non-linearity correction with option to run in real-time
- Interactive time-series differential photometry interface with option to run in real-time
- Allows comparison star ensemble changes without re-running differential photometry
- Provides an interactive multi-curve plotting tool streamlined for plotting light curves
- Includes an interactive light curve fitting interface with simultaneous detrending
- Allows non-destructive object annotations/labels using FITS header keywords
- Provides a time and coordinate converter tool with capability to update/enhance FITS header content (AIRMASS, BJD, etc.)
- Exports analyses formatted as spreadsheets
- Creates color images and with native ImageJ processing power
- Optionally enter reference star apparent magnitudes to calculate target star magnitudes automatically
- Optionally create Minor Planet Center (MPC) format for direct submission of data to the MPC
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