Lee Sedol defeats AlphaGo in masterful comeback – Game 4 by David Ormerod.
From the post:
Expectations were modest on Sunday, as Lee Sedol 9p faced the computer Go program AlphaGo for the fourth time.

Lee Sedol 9 dan, obviously relieved to win his first game.After Lee lost the first three games, his chance of winning the five game match had evaporated.
His revised goal, and the hope of millions of his fans, was that he might succeed in winning at least one game against the machine before the match concluded.
However, his prospects of doing so appeared to be bleak, until suddenly, just when all seemed to be lost, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
And he didn’t even have a hat!
Lee Sedol won game four by resignation.
A reversal of roles but would you say that Sedol “busted up” AlphaGo?
Looking forward to the results of Game 5!