Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 26, 2016

Economic Crime and Criminal Graphics

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Ecoinformatics,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 9:02 am

Adjusting the Lens on Economic Crime (Global Economic Crime Survey 2016)

From the foreword:

In business, the promise of opportunity is often tempered with the reality of risk.

This formula holds true not only for those working to build and sustain a business, but also for those looking to victimise one.
The story told in our 2016 Global Economic Crime

Survey is one with which we are all too familiar: economic crime continues to forge new paths into business, regulatory compliance adds stress and burden to responsible businesses, and an increasingly complicated threat landscape challenges the balance between resources and growth. The moral of this story is not new, but is one that may have been forgotten in our haste to succeed in today’s fast-paced global marketplace.

Our report challenges you to adjust your lens on economic crime and refocus your path towards opportunity around strategic preparation.

This work needs to be embedded in your day-to-day decision-making, and supported by strong corporate ethics. Preparing your company for sustained success in today’s world is no longer an exercise in mapping out plans that live out their days in dusty binders on a director’s shelf. Preparation today is a living,
breathing exercise; one that must be constantly tweaked, practiced and tended to, so that it is ready when threats become realities.

Understanding the vision of your company and strategically mapping out a plan for both growth as well as a plan for defence – one that is based on your unique threat landscape and profile – will be the difference between realizing your opportunity or allowing those who want to victimise you to capitalise on theirs.

It wasn’t entirely clear to me what was meant by “economic crime,” aside from possibly a different method of making a profit than the complaining enterprise. It’s all capitalism. Crime is just capitalism that doesn’t follow a particular set of local rules.

I am bolstered in that belief by Fig. 2 from the paper:


I have always puzzled over bribery & corruption for example. Why piece-work corruption is any worse than structural corruption (the sort preferred in the United State) has never been clear to me.

It isn’t clear how useful you will find the report, especially given graphics like the one found at Fig. 3:


I have puzzled over it and the accompanying text for some time.

Does the 49% for financial services represent its percentage of the 36% of global crime rate? Seems unlikely because government/state owned follows at 44% and retail & consumer at 43%, which put us up to over 136%, without including the other categories.

Is it that 49% of financial services are economic crimes? That’s possible but I would hardly expect them to claim that title.

Sometimes, when graphics make no sense, they literally make no sense.

I think you can safely skip this paper.

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