Sam Bowman posted The Stanford NLI Corpus Revisited today at the Stanford NLP blog.
From the post:
Last September at EMNLP 2015, we released the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) Corpus. We’re still excitedly working to build bigger and better machine learning models to use it to its full potential, and we sense that we’re not alone, so we’re using the launch of the lab’s new website to share a bit of what we’ve learned about the corpus over the last few months.
What is SNLI?
SNLI is a collection of about half a million natural language inference (NLI) problems. Each problem is a pair of sentences, a premise and a hypothesis, labeled (by hand) with one of three labels: entailment, contradiction, or neutral. An NLI model is a model that attempts to infer the correct label based on the two sentences.
A high level overview of the SNLI corpus.
The news of Marvin Minsky‘s death, today, much have arrived too late for inclusion in the post.