I assume you have read my new starter post for this series: Congressional Roll Call Vote and XQuery (A Do Over). If you haven’t and aren’t already familiar with XQuery, take a few minutes to go read it now. I’ll wait.
The first XML document we need to look at is FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 705. If you press ctrl-u in your browser, the XML source of that document will be displayed.
The top portion of that document, before you see <vote-data> reads:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE rollcall-vote PUBLIC “-//US Congress//DTDs/vote
v1.0 20031119 //EN” “http://clerk.house.gov/evs/vote.dtd”>
<?xml-stylesheet type=”text/xsl” href=”http://clerk.house.gov/evs/vote.xsl”?>
<chamber>U.S. House of Representatives</chamber>
<legis-num>H R 2029</legis-num>
<vote-question>On Concurring in Senate Amdt with
Amdt Specified in Section 3(a) of H.Res. 566</vote-question>
<action-time time-etz=”09:49″>9:49 AM</action-time>
<vote-desc>Making appropriations for military construction, the
Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes</vote-desc>
<present-header>Answered “Present”</present-header>
<not-voting-header>Not Voting</not-voting-header>
One of the first skills you need to learn to make effective use of XQuery is how to recognize paths in an XML document.
I’ll do the first several and leave some of the others for you.
<rollcall-vote> – the root element – aka “parent” element
<vote-metadata> – first child element in this document
XPath rollcall-vote/vote-metadata
<majority>R</majority> first child of <majority>R</majority> of <vote-metadata>
XPath rollcall-vote/vote-metadata/majority
What do you think? Looks like the same level as <majority>R</majority> and it is. Called a sibling of <majority>R</majority>
XPath rollcall-vote/vote-metadata/congress
Caveat: There are ways to go back up the XPath and to reach siblings and attributes. For the moment, lets get good at spotting direct XPaths.
Let’s skip down in the markup until we come to <totals-by-party-header>. It’s not followed, at least not immediately, with </totals-by-party-header>. That’s a signal that the previous siblings have stopped and we have another step in the XPath.
XPath: rollcall-vote/vote-metadata/majority/totals-by-party-header
XPath: rollcall-vote/vote-metadata/majority/totals-by-party-header/party-header
As you may suspect, the next four elements are siblings of <party-header>Party</party-header>
<present-header>Answered “Present”</present-header>
<not-voting-header>Not Voting</not-voting-header>
The closing element, shown by the “/,” signals the end of the <totals-by-party-header> element.
See how you do mapping out the remaining XPaths from the top of the document.
Tomorrow we are going to dive into the structure of the <vote-data> and how to address the attributes therein and their values.