Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 17, 2015

US Court Opinion Links!

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources — Patrick Durusau @ 10:48 am

I was reading an account the opinion in Authors Guild vs. Google this morning, but the link pointed to a pay wall site. Sigh, court opinions are in the public domain so why not point to a public copy?

Let me make that easier for members of the media, at least for the Supreme Court and the Circuit Courts of Appeal:

You can get a more complete list, includes District and Bankruptcy courts, from Court Website Links.

The only value-add that I offer is a direct link to finding opinions.

One-click on “opinions” plus search gives you a public link to the public opinion.

Is that too much to ask?

PS: Websites of the Circuit Courts vary widely. District judges consider themselves just short of demi-gods so you can imagine the conversations with Circuit Courts judges on web options. Not quite fire by night and clouds by day but almost.

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