Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 28, 2015

Model-Based Machine Learning

Filed under: Machine Learning,Modeling — Patrick Durusau @ 8:36 pm

Model-Based Machine Learning by John Winn and Christopher Bishop with Thomas Diethe.

From How can machine learning solve my problem? (first chapter):

In this book we look at machine learning from a fresh perspective which we call model-based machine learning. This viewpoint helps to address all of these challenges, and makes the process of creating effective machine learning solutions much more systematic. It is applicable to the full spectrum of machine learning techniques and application domains, and will help guide you towards building successful machine learning solutions without requiring that you master the huge literature on machine learning.

The core idea at the heart of model-based machine learning is that all the assumptions about the problem domain are made explicit in the form of a model. In fact a model is just made up of this set of assumptions, expressed in a precise mathematical form. These assumptions include the number and types of variables in the problem domain, which variables affect each other, and what the effect of changing one variable is on another variable. For example, in the next chapter we build a model to help us solve a simple murder mystery. The assumptions of the model include the list of suspected culprits, the possible murder weapons, and the tendency for particular weapons to be preferred by different suspects. This model is then used to create a model-specific algorithm to solve the specific machine learning problem. Model-based machine learning can be applied to pretty much any problem, and its general-purpose approach means you don’t need to learn a huge number of machine learning algorithms and techniques.

So why do the assumptions of the model play such a key role? Well it turns out that machine learning cannot generate solutions purely from data alone. There are always assumptions built into any algorithm, although usually these assumptions are far from explicit. Different algorithms correspond to different sets of assumptions, and when the assumptions are implicit the only way to decide which algorithm is likely to give the best results is to compare them empirically. This is time-consuming and inefficient, and it requires software implementations of all of the algorithms being compared. And if none of the algorithms tried gives good results it is even harder to work out how to create a better algorithm.

Four chapters are complete now and four more are coming.

Not a fast read but has a great deal of promise, particularly if readers are honest about their assumptions when modeling problems.

It is an opportunity to examine your assumptions about data in your organization and assumptions about your organization. Those assumptions will have as much if not more impact on your project than assumptions cooked into your machine learning.

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