Stagefright Bug 2.0 – One Billion Android SmartPhones Vulnerable to Hacking by Mohit Kumar.
From the post:
Attention Android users!
More than 1 Billion Android devices are vulnerable to hackers once again – Thanks to newly disclosed two new Android Stagefright vulnerabilities.
Yes, Android Stagefright bug is Back…
…and this time, the flaw allows an attacker to hack Android smartphones just by tricking users into visiting a website that contains a malicious multimedia file, either MP3 or MP4.
For all the talk about better software, better security procedures, etc., nothing seems to be really cost-effective at stopping hacking.
Instead of putting our limited fingers into the increasing number of cyber vulnerabilities, may I suggest we take a page from the history of /robots.txt?
In addition to your robots.txt file at the root of your web server, create a bettertargets.txt file also at the root of your file system.
List other organizations, government agencies, etc. that have more valuable information assets than you and any information you have that could be used to breach those sites.
Hackers should appreciate the assist and the higher quality assets they can obtain at other sites. At the least it will get them to move away from your machine, which is the point of cybersecurity, at least from a personal point of view.
As a suggested format, a plain tab-delimited text file where each line begins with the domain-name tab IP-address tab assets-(summary of information assets) tab vulnerability-(description of vulnerability).
Suggestions for enhancements?