Database Launched with +300 Latin American Investigations by Gabriela Manuli.
A unique database of more than 300 investigative journalism reports from across Latin America is now available from The Institute for Press and Society (Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, or IPYS). Called BIPYS (Banco de Investigaciones Periodísticas, or Bank of Investigative Journalism) the UNESCO-backed initiative was announced July 6 at the annual conference of Abraji, Brazil’s investigative journalism association.
BIPYS is a repository of many of the best examples of investigative journalism in the region, comprised largely of winners of the annual Latin American Investigative Journalism Awards that IPYS and Transparency International have given out for the past 13 years.
Investigations cover a wide range of topics, including corruption, malfeasance, organized crime, environment, national security, and human rights.
See Gabriela’s post for more but in summary the site is still under development and fees being discussed.
An admirable effort considering that words in Latin American can and do have real consequences.
Unlike some places where disagreement can be quite heated but when the broadcast ends, the participants slip away for drinks together. Meanwhile, the subjects of their disagreement continue to struggle and die due to policy decisions made far, far away.