OEWatch (Operational Environment Watch)
From the webpage:
FMSO’s Operational Environment Watch provides translated selections and analysis from a diverse range of foreign articles and other media that our analysts believe will give military and security experts an added dimension to their critical thinking about the Operational Environment.
The Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, is an open source research organization of the U.S. Army. Founded as the Soviet Army Studies Office in 1986, it was an innovative program that brought together military specialists and civilian academics to focus on military and security topics derived from unclassified, foreign media. The results were unclassified articles and papers that provided new understandings and broad access to information from a base of expertise in the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, and foreign and U.S. defense communities and universities.
Today FMSO maintains this research tradition of special insight and highly collaborative work. FMSO conducts unclassified research of foreign perspectives of defense and security issues that are understudied or unconsidered but that are important for understanding the environments in which the U.S. military operates. FMSO’s work today is still aimed at publication in unclassified journals and its research findings are taught in both military and civilian venues in the United States and around the world. FMSO is organized in the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command under the TRADOC G-2.
If you are working in open source intelligence, OEWatch is already familiar.
If OEWatch isn’t familiar and you are interested in foreign perspectives, you should add it to your reading list.
Granting that OEWatch has a perspective, it does collect, collate and dispense high quality information that would be difficult to collect for yourself.
BTW, OEWatch does visually separate its commentary from the content it is reporting from other sources. A far cry from U.S. media treatment of foreign news.