Here are the best links, resources, and roundups from SRCCON, the conference for journalism code by Laura Hazard Owen.
From the post:
Business casual, bad coffee, dry prewritten speeches, and an 8 a.m. start with no time between sessions — these things are familiar to anyone who’s ever been to a conference. SRCCON (pronounced “Source-Con”), organized by Knight-Mozilla OpenNews and held over two days last week in Minneapolis, aims to avoid the bad conference stereotypes and offer, instead, interactive discussions about “the challenges that news technology and data teams encounter every day.”
There was an NPR-sponsored coffee station run by Manual Coffeemaker No. 1’s Craighton Berman, handcrafting individual cups of pour-over. There was on-site, full-day childcare included in the price of admission. There was local beer, non-alcoholic beer, halal meals for Ramadan, and unisex bathrooms. (There is a flip side to all this inclusiveness: SRCCON’s celebration of nerdery can feel as intimidating at first as the celebration of any other group identity that you don’t totally identify with.) The start time was 10 a.m. the first day and 11 a.m. the second. And with over 50 sessions, the conference’s 220 attendees discussed topics from ad viewability and machine learning to journalist burnout and remote work.
If that sounds cool to you, you are really going to like the collection of links to notes, slides and other resources that Laura has collected for SRCCON 2015.
Not to mention having you looking forward to SRCCON 2016, while you are developing your abilities with source code.